" Oh wow dude I think this is going to be retarde-WTH!?!?!?.... OMG!?!?!?! WOW.....WOOOW......WO I need to show you thi-omg, omg, dude you need to join me." First things I said while testing this out. I didnt know that was comming at all. Dropping up and down into and out of the water was also epic. Most insane, epic things happen on this map. One of the best.---Though it could be improved if you could somehow put the second, or create a new barrel-roll machine at the end, or near the end.
easily one of the best race maps i have played - i like to play this for giggles with my friends who havent played it before and listen to them go crazy over it
I love everything about this map. It is the best race I've ever played. Major props to you man. This **** is awesome.
I've actually seen a few others with a barrel roll, but not too many. Anyway, I usually hate rollercoasters, but this one was really fun and I enjoyed it a lot. This is my most (and only) favorite rollercoaster map.
This is one of my favorite race maps in Reach. It's extremely well forged, and the barrel roll is awesome. However, it seems that when we sometimes play on it, we get some spawning issues. If you have to respawn inside the underwater tunnel place, you will fall to your death. Don't know why this happens...