I actually played on this map... very balanced and very fun... too balanced maybe... god I love conquest
Looks like a pretty good rendition. But..."This aged structure once served Rome's citizens but has since lain empty for millenia." I despise reading that word, I always read it like it's my name; Iain. Makes me sound like I'm a narcissistic, self-sucking, ****ass doesn't it?
Thanks but this means nothing, spaming gets you no where. _____ Oh My God. you actually commented on a map for once =P I'm glad you like it Sarge and believe it is too balanced. _____ Yes, yes you do sound like a narcissistic, self-sucking, ****ass =P. other then that I hope you like the map. _____ There are much more Conquest maps that are great and all that. I hope you can find the good ones among the crap maps on this site.
I remember just testing this for conquest - but I could see this being a fun flag map as well. Nice work.
hmm... turning the 1v1 maps into larger party maps is a great idea, we should start a trend. in which case, i have dibs on sewers! lol, looks like a great map, lots o fun, and i really enjoy sewers so hopefully this will expand upon my enjoyment.
# Subject: The Waterworks - super awesome zombies map where you have Plasma Pistols!! It is set up for flag but Neutral bomb works better IMO. ___ Thank you Iv0rY. I hope your venture in to reverse engineering a 1v1 showdown map works out well if you do it. (p.s. you mean Aqueduct not sewers in the last line) ___ It's bigger then witch it looks in the pic's Linubidix. I would advise loading it up for a game or in Forge to see how big it is. ___ Lolwut¿ Like I said earlier spamming gets you no where. I hope that you DL'ed it, but I cant tell from this quote. sad_face
This reminds me of a map I once saw... cant remmember the name but it used conquest as well. you make that one as well? cant remember. Anyways.. i like this one to so Its been added to my list of maps to dl when i get home.
wow i thought i saw this before, but it scared me away because it was a 1v1 and now, looks fun ill play it l8r
No I don't know what you are talking about. This is the only Conquest map that I have made and relished. ____ If you read the post then you would know that I use the 1v1 map Aqueduct. There is a link to the map also.
This map looks amazing I can not wait to play it. i really love the tele door idea and the curved roof in the middle. But in conclusion I think this map has taken you a long time to make and that has really worked out for you in the long run because it looks perfect -GUN
Waterworks (the most underrated map evahhh) Thank you, but it is supposed to be small and hectic. __________ Thank you GUN. I wished you got to play it last night. __________ marked as Spam and Necro post, but thank for the bump __________ I hope you like the map.