Incredible. ABERRICAN ME - Ross Capicchioni - Part 1 - YouTube ABERRICAN ME - Ross Capicchioni - Part 2 - YouTube
I went into watching it not expecting much. I can say I was pleasantly surprised by it, very worth my time watching it.
Agreed. That was inspiring. It's sick that these "initiations" even have to exist. It makes me sad to think that the kid who shot him was raised to think that it's ok to behave that way. Hopefully prison actually rehabilitates him.
Wow this is pretty crazy. Glad I don't live on the east side of michigan. The west is much more... safe.
No problem guys. I just thought I'd take the time to enlighten you all on what's really going on in our own backyards.
I saw this a while ago, it is insane. The fact that the kid and his family were such douches in court blows my mind..
Hanging out with a bunch of criminals 24/7 in a boring isolating environment while his potentially having thoughts of anger and revenge and his family and friends not supporting rehabilitation. Good luck with that (honestly wishing good luck, not been sarcastic) What still shocks me is that this still shocks people, Society allows gangs and promotes gangs as been cool living in the fast lane fast cars ladys money and guns. Then people get reminded by a video like this reminding people gangs are bad things but in a not to distant future people watch a cool gangsta movie then gangs are cool again and all is forgotten until people see another 'shocking' video that reminds people gangs are bad for a brief period of time allowing yourself to be shocked again and again and again. Anyway that's just my opinion.