Remembering Halo 3

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by tylyr1, Oct 16, 2011.

  1. tylyr1

    tylyr1 Ancient
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    Hey guys, I recently decided that I am going to put a Halo 3 video together. I plan to make it with the theme of remembering Halo 3, or a 'Remembrance of Halo 3' type thing.

    I don't really know how many people on this forum really care for Halo 3 anymore, but I want the community's opinion on this idea. Do you think you would be interested in watching a video with this theme?

    Also, I need your thoughts; I need to know what you thought was great in Halo 3, but is not really possible to do in Reach. For example, any mini-games you loved, any gametypes that Reach ruined, any elements of social interaction with people, or just anything that you feel Reach has taken away from old Halo 3 experience!

    Thanks for your time! I really appreciate it!
  2. EpicChief117

    EpicChief117 Forerunner

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    Halo 3 was the first Halo game i ever played. I bought it because i had heard about it. As i took my first trek through the forest and faced down the wrath of the covenant for the first time, i felt amazed. The beautiful scenery, the wide variety of weapons and foes. And my first encounter with the flood. All of those moments bring tears of joy to my eyes when i think about the now.

    Halo 3 was an amazing game. It told a story like no other game ever did. And all of those forge sessions i spent with my friends playing on Sandtrap. Those are my fondest memories of Halo multiplayer. I feel as if Reach has greatly improved on some of these aspects like forge and weapons. Though i do miss that there sentinel beam. I understand that forerunner weaponry on a human colony planet lightyears away from the final days of the forerunners but it was a great weapon. And all of those little aesthetic parts of maps made me think of the story and how they would fit in to all of it. Halo 3 was a legendary game and it will not soon be forgotten.
  3. NobleForger

    NobleForger Forerunner

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    Hobo Heights was pretty fun, and you could play as the Chief and destroy the ring
  4. Rorak Kuroda

    Rorak Kuroda Up All Night
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    The vehicle physics are pretty different now, so gametypes like Lava Pit and Beast Ball were ruined in the transfer. VIP, of course, should be emphasized.

    I miss the maps most of all. The Pit and its glorious moments of cone-splattering, Narrows sniper battles, Valhalla flag runs, Sandtrap vehicle infection games, creating tunnels to reach the skull on sandbox, etc.

    Oh, and speaking of skulls! All of the campaign skulls were awesome, I sincerely hate bungie for removing those.

    Just some ideas.
  5. AceOfSpades

    AceOfSpades Talented
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    The gravity hammer physics. They push they had is no where near as powerful in Reach, which makes them not as useful for mini-games like Amazing Bomb.
  6. X2Sora

    X2Sora Halo 3 Era
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    Goosing (for those who don't getting kills on or splattering someone with a mongoose) has been completely ruined in reach due to jet pack and armor lock. In addition you can no longer ninja someone because of the dramatic decrease in jump height. The maps were also really amazing Valhalla being the most amazing in my opinion.
  7. cluckinho

    cluckinho Well Known
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    The maps and the general lack of fun-ness.
  8. pyro

    pyro The Joker
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    RIP Chopper
  9. Savage Tracks

    Savage Tracks Forerunner

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    The removal of VIP was what pissed me off the most. Now we can't play Battle Tracks in Reach. I hate Bungie for being so dumb. Then the release Race in Reach but you can't enable teams. They never listen to the community. They just see dollar signs. Let's hope that 343 gets Halo 4 right this time. Other than that, I still play Halo 3 customs. Halo 3 is still awesome!
  10. artifact123

    artifact123 Forerunner
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    No more tons of Scenery which made Infection Maps look more realistic. Screw Forerunner pieces. also, RIP SMG, which was more balanced in Infection than the otherwise OP AR.
  11. Dizzyman572

    Dizzyman572 Forerunner

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    The Power Drainer, I know it still kind of exist with the Armor Lock, but it's not satisfying in my opinion. Plus, The Bubble Shield isn’t barely used anymore.

    The epic one shot capability of the SPARTAN LASER, why did they even dumb it down?

    The removal of the Brute Shot also ticked me off, I know it was replaced with the Concussion Rifle, but it's not as awesome.

    Now here is a weird fact, Halo Reach is the first Halo game to ship without a Snow themed competitive map. In fact, the closest they ever got was with Sword Base.
    Never mind Halo 3: ODST, that was an expansion pack to Halo 3 or so it is called as one.
  12. jameslieb1

    jameslieb1 Ancient
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    All I have to say is,

    Halo 3 > Halo: Reach

    Such good times. I sincerely hope that Halo 4 is more like Halo 3 than Reach.
    #12 jameslieb1, Oct 23, 2011
    Last edited: Oct 23, 2011
  13. A Legit Taco

    A Legit Taco Forerunner
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    I have spent more of my life on Halo 3 than any other game. I have played 3000+ hours in it's lifetime. I still play it. I miss everything about that game, more specifically all the great custom games with movable objects. I have high hopes for Halo 4.

    My stats:

    Total games - 6782

    Social - 629

    Ranked - 1211

    Custom - 4942
  14. The Juggernaut

    The Juggernaut Forerunner

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    To be honest, I miss every bit about it. Hosting custom games parties with my friends from school, all of the maps, choppers and elephants, making my first custom game ever, playing 4 player campaign over live while searching for all the skulls, and all the weapons lost in reach. It was also the first game i ever played on the xbox 360.
  15. Javidson Ist

    Javidson Ist Forerunner

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    Apart from the campaign and the atmosphere of the multiplayer maps, I think reach is better everywhere else. Oh and I wish the customs options were built upon not changed.
  16. 4shot

    4shot Bloodgulch
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    ^ Agreed. Spread and bad netcode plagued that game. Bungie barely supported it from the beginning.
  17. deathstar542

    deathstar542 Forerunner
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    Halo 3 was just amazing. So many good memories. Choppers were probably my favorite thing on there, and I thought the campaign was way funner. Elephants and zombie vehicle games on Sandtrap were the best. I really liked Jenga, and unlike most of you here, I thought fat kid was great on Halo 3!! I really hated how they took out all those moving objects from forge and made almost everything metal. I miss taking down the Scarabs and finding all those skulls and terminals. Achievement hunting was actually worth it in those days. Those vidmasters were really fun to get. What was also cool was finding creative ways to do things. Like, finding the skull on sandbox in theater mode, then building a really long tunnel to get there. Or using a hornet, and some grav lifts to make a pilotable elephant. One last thing, sword duels. They messed up the sword on Reach :'(
  18. KRUS4DE

    KRUS4DE Promethean
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    This just makes me feel old (and im 22! haha)

    I'm still stuck in h2 days...2004-2006 were the most fun gaming days ive known. H3 i felt was a pile of garbage in comparison...i sorta skipped it entirely, actually, after playin it for about the first 6 months of its release. (xbox was stolen at that time but still, dont think i woulda kept playing it.)

    Kinda sucks that it seems people found a way to have fun with it and i missed it :( ah well, cant wait til 4
  19. Moxus

    Moxus Ancient
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    Halo 3 was the sole reason I bought my XBox, and it surely didn't disappoint; even though I came in late in the game, and I knew the story inside and out, the campaign was a genuine odyssey to play through, the graphics and mechanics of the game were incredibly polished, and the multiplayer was a legendary experience I could come back to again, and again, and again. Sure, I didn't like the lead required at distance, nor the omnipresence of the BR, but it was one win of a game.

  20. serumembryo

    serumembryo Forerunner

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    This ^

    I remember how I was in elementry school. I would go to my friends house with 2 people and have a sleep over. In the morning we would all play Halo 2. I don't care if I got dizzy when playing, I still had a time. I guess I kind forgot about Halo after the 4th grade. I was addicted to games like Super Smash Brothers series and Half Life mod, Ricochet (The greatest game ever!!!). In late 2009, my cousin got Halo 3 and brought me over. We played the last level of Halo 3 and it hit me, this felt like Halo CE's level, The Maw. I became a Halo fan once again.

    Halo 3 is still my favorite Xbox game. Its just one of those games you cant replicate unless its by the creator. It would never feel the same. It felt like Halo 2 (Multiplayer) and Halo CE (Campaign) had a legitimate baby. Halo 3 gave us forge. I will never forget the times on this game.
    #20 serumembryo, Nov 30, 2011
    Last edited: Nov 30, 2011

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