Warlock Classic By dt192 Download Original scale, gametype setup, spawns & spawn system, weapon set/placement/spawn times I have also made the telepoters non-blockable so if you go through a teleporter and back streight up you will simply go back through the teleporter backwards Weapon List Shotty x 4 (changed to no spare clips) DMR x 4 Needler x 4 Plasma Rifle x 4 Magnum x 2 Nades x 8 Stickies x 12 Camo x 1 Health Packs x 4 Supported Gametypes: Assualt, CTF, King, Oddball, Slayer, Territories Some H2/3 ZB Gametypes: Throwback Slayer, Throwback Multi flag, Throwback Crazy King Hope you all enjoy Warlock Classic by dt192 - YouTube
Looks awesome, but you need like a juicy FX to make it look more original. It would also look better with some green lights.
Warlock always had a place as one of my favorite maps in Halo History, and it looks far nicer than other remakes I have seen of this map. I'll give this a download and hope to get a game going on this.
Lights and FX, you either love them or hate them lol, so i just leave it up to people who download to add what they want in that department, its easy enough to do, its a shame we couldnt have green teleporters :-( @Dizzy, glad you like the look, I made sure i got as many details in that have an effect on gameplay, IE create cover and I took a lot of care with the spawns, spawn systen and gametype setup, which gives it much more of a feel of the original as your game actually plays out in the same way as you rember, so I hope you enjoy it
See pic 8? You could put an upside down teleporter to make it look like the original. (Rite behind the closest wall)
Yea i had that in my Reach sized version http://www.forgehub.com/forum/reach-competitive-maps/120050-warlock-1x1.html see pic 3, but it didnt actually have a direct impact on gameplay so i chose to leave it out on this one and use the peices for other details lower down
DT, this is one of he best remakes I have ever seen. I absolutely love the effort you put forward into remaking such a classic map.
Nice job sticking just about perfectly to the original. Nice work, and it looks really aesthetically pleasing as well. But I agree with Elite Warrior5, and that it's completely true that adding some green lights or an effect would definitely help the overall realistic aspect of your map. Overall, good job, and you should try some more remakes.
Best remake of this map that i've ever played on. yeah, the lack of ambience that the original had sucks, but reach isn't know for its ambience when it comes to forging. I have no complaints on gameplay. It runs fine 4 player split screen. Aesthetically I disliked the squared off covers at each of the bases. True to the original yes, but boring. Two cover pieces looked neat when I changed them out, but not so true to the original. Fantastic. Definitely deserves a download if you liked the original.