I have spent over 200 hours making the next best arena slayer style map, and finally, Thunder Dome is LIVE! A perfectly symmetrical map and supports all game types. Screenshot: Bungie.net : Halo Reach : File Details Youtube Flythru: Thunder Dome Flythru.wmv - YouTube Youtube Gameplay: Thunder Dome CTF Gameplay.wmv - YouTube Link to Download map: Bungie.net : Halo Reach : File Details Please post any feedback. [br][/br]Edited by merge: I would like to make this map more public, please review and spread around, LL Cassa LL
You've used way too much of your budget. I haven't played it yet, but I already know you're gonna get FPS drops, and that's absolutely terrible for competitive maps. Also, glass is never a good thing to use. EVER! Not only does it cause performance issues it's a pain in the ass to competitive players. Unless the glass serves an actual purpose (ala, the glass at top mid on Lockout) never use it, especially for cover. There's nothing more irritating than seeing your opponent and not being able to do anything.
Im not sure I can agree with you about the glass cover, I think that it is important to use in certain places, if it is well thought out.
Thought this would be a remake of Thunderdome from Marathon (Foundation's predecessor, for those who don't know). I am disappointed. The map is far too large and open for my liking, anyways.
Well the gameplay would be awesome if it's on top. But I sure would hate to be the one that spawns on the bottom. And what glass causes is sort of like a cat and mouse effect. You see them, they see you, and you both try to tempt the other to come out of cover first. Overall Los are just tOo large and there is no areal cover for the bottom. In addition it feels too separate. The two levels have no major connections(like a large stairway). There is no middle ground. It really just seems too simple and basic. It really isn't all too special when it comes to lay out. There is obvious framerate issues and there is no real standout aesthetics. Sorry, but I call them as I see them.
Yes 200, Any good map has had major sections torn down and rebuilt to be modified after gameplay tests. Ill give you this one fault, yes it is big and that could cause frame rate issues. But if your shooting at people behind glass and frustrated that they arnt dying... your probably terrible at halo. hands down. Glass can be a very great solution to making sure certain areas of the map cant be used for camping. Simple as that. This map definitely does nto have major structures that are ascetically pleasing to the eye with no function, it is based purely off of game play function and symmetrically based team gameplay. If you think the bottom is a horribel part of the map then you clearly havnt play-tested it. There are 6 ways up to the top and 5 power weapons on the bottom floor. If you ask me its perfectly balanced to make sure each level and corner of the map is utilized. Planning that is where the 200 hours come in, making a balanced map. And after multiple gameplay tests the only fault that I could come across playing with teams of very skilled individuals is jet pack. The top floor is clearly going to be used more then the bottom floor but no more so then the map Construct in Halo 3, and that was an awesome map that im sure we all loved, and inspired me to make this.