Okay peoples, I'm bringing you a new city race map. I don't have much to say about the map, but when it says oddball above, it means hog potato. 15 second start gate 1st road with a small jump 2nd road with bridge over it Open stretch of the 3rd road Bridge that crosses all three roads One of the conecting roads, up takes you to the 3rd road, but down is another part of the track. Down into the tunnels Tunnel exit into another tunnel, out onto a balcony, and into a building 2nd tunnel exit building exit ***The below is a spoiler of the hidden shortcut***spoiler*** Spoiler Don't forget to find the hidden energy sword
Another city race map, I remember the first Danville, and this is really good. I love the railings when you approach the tunnel, and the shortcut, but what blew me away was the REALISTIC tunnel exit. Jking about the last part.
Hate to say this, bud, but your map doesn't follow the fast and the forge standards. This map originates back further than November first, but barely. It originates back from October 31. Sorry. The map seems really cool. I like how you based the race track inside a city, rather than making a floating race track probably with no atmosphere. I hope to race on this one day.
Yeah, but the forum didn't say weather it had to be started after November 1st or finished after November 1st, so I took it as being finished by this date. Also, the submission thread says that it goes by the date the forum was posted, not the day the map was made.
I am really sorry, but I'm pretty sure they are talking about when the map was finished, but I'm not an authority, so check that out with Noxiw about the topic. Again, it's only what I think it means, so by all means you can ask someone who really knows. It's not that I don't like your map, though. Don't get me wrong.