Munus I love the result of this map, for gameplay and estethique solutions. Gameplay is fluid, all zone are adjacent, easily approachable. It's easy, funny but tecnichal also. I like also some estethique details and solutions that you will see playing. I hope you like it! Munus pics.rar The following pic is without walls, only floor. i make it to see the base structure.
Hello, ive downloaded it and already taken a small run through, nothing bad I can say about it, so far I really like it, but is there any chance of maybe seeing a Team slayer version of this map?
Another awesome map by Luk4sh. I see you like to use a lot of tunnels in your maps. It's fine, I also think you made the ramp stunts an acception, usually they looks ugly in a slayer map. I think you pulled it off, I really like the little aesthetics like the ceiling, and lift area. Looks as if this map would have solid gameplay, +1
Well, in my opinion, the stunt ramps are ugly because they don't fit the color scheme of any of the other pieces in Forge. I loved the map, though, you definitely have skill with this. One thing that jumped out at me, though. In the pics, it looked like the Sniper and Rockets were in the same room. That scares me.
i understand. imho it's true when they are few.. if the structure has many element of that colours, maybe be good.. i love that colours, especially blue & red, in fact i use the blu light, many elevators, blu and red tunnels, the decorations in the two this contest those ramp maybe be good.. but also maybe are my tastes stranges.. rocket is on low level, sniper is on obove, in the circle bridges.. is not the same splace.. like as reflection..
Yeah, if you have a palette that can mix the stunt ramps in, like matching the blue like you said, they can work. But with the sniper and rockets, couldn't you just grab the sniper, hop down, and grab the rockets?
There are some definite positives to this map. There are also some things that need work. The very first thing I noticed upon loading the map is that your center atrium looks very good. The second thing I noticed (as soon as I began to move) is some pretty bad screen lag. I like the general concept of the layout, but some areas do not flow together as well as they could. For example, it's generally not a good idea to have ramps which lead directly into corners. They tend to create death traps. If you played Halo 2, I'm sure you remember how dangerous it was to use the ramp going from bottom snipe up to mid snipe. It was almost impossible to get through there without walking directly over a grenade or two. If you want players to move around the map, avoid moving them towards corners. The forging is very inconsistent. You have some areas that look really nice, and other areas that are pretty rough. The center and the room with the Platform Y's look really good (though there is the screen lag issue in those areas). However, in many of the exterior rooms it's obvious that you were just trying to piece them together with whatever pieces you had left. The objects used do not really look good together. As an example, one area that really stood out to me was where you attempted to fill in the gaps between your Tunnel Long's that were used as ramps. There is z-fighting all around the upper ring of your center area. Also, your stairs are not set up correctly. Maybe this will help... (you can also use the back of a Block 3X3 Short in place of a coliseum window, since it also has an invisible barrier which extends beyond its visible barrier) Overall, I like that there is a focal point where a lot of the action will take place (in the center), and I like the verticality of the map because it creates battles at interesting angles and makes positioning and map awareness very important. You've got some good ideas here that could become something great if you can do the following: - Try to create a more consistent aesthetic quality. - Try to create a more consistent frame rate throughout the map. - Work on creating a better flow from room to room and level to level.