After Effects YouTube Intro

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Xtermin8R645, Oct 31, 2011.

  1. Xtermin8R645

    Xtermin8R645 Ancient
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    I got After Effects 2 days ago, and from the exploring around YouTube for tuts and from messing around, I made the following. It doesn't look very good, it is my first try, but:

    After Effects Intro Test - YouTube

    Any AE users here?
  2. Spicy Forges

    Spicy Forges Ancient
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    Its... not great. You havn't really used any effects as such, its basically just text with key-framed letter values and some particle world effects in the background. Check out for some excellent tutorials.

    First attempt Im assuming so Ill give to points for knowing how to use the program. When I first opened aftereffects I was sitting there looking at it, going 'wtf'!
  3. Titmar

    Titmar Le Mar du Teet
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    we're using AE and Mocha in one of my classes right now,
    but I guess we are going to use Nuke for the cool stuff so basically
    we only used AE/Mocha for masking off different layers of the shot.

    AE is pretty kickass, like Cryppy said check out videocopilot they are very helpful
  4. Xtermin8R645

    Xtermin8R645 Ancient
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    Sweet, thanks. And yeah Cryppy, I was completely overwhelmed looking at it when I downloaded it, I didn't know what to do. I saw one video, and the next day I tried to recreate it. I'll get better hopefully, just like I am self-taught (besides CnC and effects tutorials) in PS. This looks like a steeper learning curve, though. Won't take me 4 months like PS did
  5. Monolith

    Monolith Ancient
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    On to the next new thing, eh? Looks decent to me, although I have absolutely no knowledge in after effects. The most advanced video editing program I've used it iMovie lol. Good luck sir
  6. Rho Fs

    Rho Fs 2x2 Forge Judge
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    My only advice, is while video copilot is a great tool, do NOT copy the tutorials word for word. It is a common problem among many AE users. The program is so overwhelming that people often just copy the tutorial step by step and use that as their intro. It shows a distinct lack of creativity and grip on the program. Use videocopilot's tutorials with a grain of salt. Use the concepts and make your own things. It's a great learning tool, but make your own stuff.

    end rant.
  7. Bloo Jay

    Bloo Jay Ancient
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    Use more of the 3D space. Move the text around a bit. Just try to not make it such a static image on a boring background. Even the slightest movements can make a difference.

    Also, SOUND EFFECTS. Right now your video isn't very eye catching, nor interesting. Add some sounds to actually draw some looks.
    You can have a terrible looking (quality wise) video and yet it'll still be amazing because of the sound.
    #7 Bloo Jay, Nov 1, 2011
    Last edited: Nov 1, 2011
  8. Spicy Forges

    Spicy Forges Ancient
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    THIS is what I do. Although, at first copy word for word so you get and understanding BUT dont use it as your title. Rather use the tools you learnt and apply it to your own creations.

    Also what bloo said. If you want some inspiration check out the 'throwdown' title on any of the map previews for the competition, that was my creation.
    #8 Spicy Forges, Nov 2, 2011
    Last edited: Nov 2, 2011
  9. Xtermin8R645

    Xtermin8R645 Ancient
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    Thanks for all the awesome feedback, guys. @Erico, my main focus will still be image manipulation and such, don't worry...

    Bloo and Cryppy, thanks for the suggestions, although I wanna tackle 3D text and effects last... they seem so daunting and complicated. And what title do you mean, cryppy? A video title?

    Rho, excellent rant, I'll keep this in mind :)
  10. Bloo Jay

    Bloo Jay Ancient
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    By video title, he means what you currently have. A video opener.
  11. Xtermin8R645

    Xtermin8R645 Ancient
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    Yeah, I know what he meant by it, I was asking which one. I didn't know there were vids for the tournament.

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