Just a cool looking infection map. Does not have wraiths, ghosts, or revenants on the actual map. Front right side Most of the inside is empty (it's abandoned)
I'm made a review thread. From the looks of it it looks cool. Get some more pics and I'll download. Definitely need more pics.
It looks like it's playable. Drop down a little more cover in the open spots. The wraith and revenant can also stay in the map as aesthetics if you change gametype settings to Vehicles: Map Default and make humans unable to use them them.
A look map? Why didn't you post it in the Aesthetic section then? You need more pics. I am not DLing until you put some more pics.
I don't really care that much about pictures for this map. If you think it looks good then download it and say something either good or bad about it so people can take your opinion. People are obviously not going to take my word for it, so instead of saying "put more pictures up" just look at what other people say about it... Also a map I do care more about will be up in about a month. It's probably going to be either for 2v2 or 4v4 and for slayer and objective gametypes.