[Sup]1[/sup] Congratulations! You've found the first Hidden Treasure! Make sure to check out this cool Pokemon-themed race track! Kanto Halo Reach Racetrack: Kanto - YouTube YouTube Channel- juniorhockey077's Channel - YouTube (Subscribe and check out more tracks by clicking the link above!) Kanto is a map that consists of 3 Pokemon, a Poke ball, a hot air balloon, 3 jumps, many banked waves, and a battlefield. It's a hybrid map made on the center island in Forge World. This took around 2-3 weeks to make due to school and all. Each creature is detailed to the very max and took at least 2 days to build each of them. If you're familiar with Pokemon, then you'll notice that Kanto is the name of the region where these Pokemon are from. Of course, I made the 3 most original and classic Pokemon of all time. The 3 Pokemon are Charizard, Blastoise, and Venusaur. The hot air balloon is supposedly Team Rocket (so use your imagination to see that). The giant Poke ball on the mountain is what Team Rocket is trying to use to catch one of these massive creatures. If you're not a Pokemon fan and didn't understand anything I just put above, then don't worry about it. This is mainly for all of the anime fans who just so happen to like Halo racetracks. The video for this map is coming out soon. In the meantime, here are some pictures of the map in all of it's glory! Thanks and enjoy! (comments are appreciated so I may learn from my mistakes) Pictures: Poke Ball Top side view of map Charizard Charizard Using Dragon Rage Blastoise Blastoise Using Hydro Pump Venusaur Venusaur Using Bullet Seed/Vine Whip Hot Air Balloon First Jump Second Jump 1st/2nd Banked Wave 2nd Banked Wave 3rd Banked Wave 4th Banked Wave 5th Banked Wave 6th Banked Wave Spawn Area on Battlefield
Really creative idea with the pokemon. Do the "attacks" move or anything? That would be even better. The track is also great, but the pokemon... just epic. I'm DLing.
Needz moar pokemans! Also one way shields on race maps make me die inside. Is there anyway of removing them?
Thanks! And no, the attacks don't move. I had spent $5,000 making the pokemon and only had the other $5,000 to build the track. So I couldn't make the attacks move like I wanted them to. But I did incorporate the cheap easy to build attacks like the free capture plates as the bullet seed and the kill ball as the dragon rage. Just for fun, I might go back and delete some of the objects so I can build some really cool sort-of moving attacks for all of them. That would probably be in the Version 2 though.
Yes, pokemon! Race isnt really my style, but this is awesome! I love the aesthetics. the designs are relatively simple, but I could clearly tell which pokemon it was without reading the description. The track is cool too; lots of banks and curves. That first jump looks like it would be hard to make though.
Yea I agree, but I needed some shield doors on the map so the flow of the racing would stay fast and continue to run smoothly. Also, some of the turns/jumps need the shield doors so that they won't cheat or so that the jumps would work. So I might switch that up on the version 2 of this map. If I do, I will post it up and let you know
I clicked because of the Hot air balloon, you have no idea how nice of a map thumbnail you have. The track looks smooth, I'm curious if you could see the track in the underwater bit. Otherwise you would just fall off. Also, you should talk to DIE for some help on your pokemanz. I really like the idea of this map though, its creative.
Thanks dude! And yea, I made it so that you can drive on the water (grid) and see the track at the same time. I'm thinking about doing 4 more maps like this for all of the other pokemon that I would like to include from different series. I have asked DIE to see if he could help out with the creatures and aesthetics of those maps and he agreed to help So I'm definitely coming out with more maps with this type of theme and I hope to include other crazy aesthetics due to the help of DIE
Awesome for taking my advice, you can produce pretty awesome maps with him. He's a great aesthetic forger, and I can't wait for the update of your maps. You should probably put railings for the underwater bit, keep the grid so they can drive on the water.
Ha xD thats so funny and cool! I'm pretty sure I have to download this or else my roommate...and my childhood... will hold a gun up to my head The actual track looks very smooth and well done, the aesthetics are...well ZOMGBLARGAWESOME (awesome )
You've done it again, Flotown. You've gotten REALLY good at aesthetics, and the track itself is awesome as always.
i don't think you could get any more points in my book for being awesome. You have sick skills, song choices, video editing, map, props to you man.