A light corvette, the UNSC A4-218 Longboat is equipped with 2 HSAMs. She made an unsceduled stop to this valley forge. Weapons --Human-- DMR------------------------x5 AR--------------------------x1 Pistol-----------------------x1 Sniper Rifle------------------x1 Shotgun--------------------x1 Frag------------------------x1 HSAM Missile Batteries-------x2 --Covenant-- Heavey Plasma Turret--------x1 Vehicles 1 Warthog/machimegun 2 Banshees There is a small Covanant staging area that overlooks the Corvette. There are 3 ways into the ship: the hanger on top, the cargo hold on the bottom and the portside airlock (the other airlock is closed). Once inside, there is 4 decks: Deck D with the cargo hold, Deck C (consisting of the Armory and the Commons), Deck B (consisting of the Bridge and Bottom Enginering), and Deck A (consisting of the Hanger and Top Enginering). There are 2 gravlifts in the ship; one in Enginering and the other in the Commons witch leads to the Bridge. The first Grav Lift will spawn after the first capture points are taken. The second Grav Lift will spawn after the bomb is placed in Enginering. 1. First capture points. 2. Place Bomb in Bottom Eginering 3. Grab Navigation Core (in the Bridge) After the Nav Core is taken, bring it back to the Covenant base.
At first glance the first capture zones look very open, literally. the other zones appear fine imo. The aesthetics are nice. ship outside is bulky and the kill balls acting as engine flames are a bit over sized. maybe deleting those could give you monnies for any improvements you may/ or may not have to do. Overall, I like it. Good Job
The catpure points on the ground (the first one) take more time to capture. The Covenant get 2 banshees and 2 loadouts, the Spartans get 1 Falcon, 1 Warthog, and 1 loadout.