Flyingshoe, you raise a valid point, and I can see the validity of your statement. I have no problem with the fact that xzamplez has opinions that differ from mine. The issue that I have with xzamplez is that he has never even played the map and yet he is proclaiming his opinions as if they were canon law. If he goes and playtests the map and then has actual feedback based upon that I will have no quarrel with him presenting his opinions. As for Hulter, I honestly don't know why he has such an issue with me. I have done nothing to him and yet he has engaged in a crusade against me desperate to disprove my logic through the use of faulty examples and ill-conceived insults. From this point forward, I wash my hands of these two in an attempt to provide more constructive feedback for Jackknife. @Jackknife My second time testing this map I noticed that the rocket launcher seemed to have an incredibly fast respawn time. I would suggest increasing the amount of time between respawns. I would also suggest increasing the ammo for the DMR slightly. Overall, the map seems to have decent flow, with players leaving the platforms (where the teleporters used to be) in order to head towards the rocket spawn. The only areas that had very little traffic were the areas to the far left and right of the platforms; there was simply never a reason to head to those corners, but they were safe to spawn in. As I have said before, I love the aesthetics of the map. Usually, I don't like FX on maps, but on this map it adds a sense of lighting that reminds me of Tempest. Your use of both tin cups adds a natural feel to the map that as Flyingshoe mentioned adds to your overall theme. With respawn zones you should be able to prevent enemies from spawning next to each other. Enemies only seem to spawn near each other when they both die at the same time so if you had something to influence the spawn, then they should spawn away from each other. All in all, this is a great map; don't let pessimistic comments about this not being a "full blown map" taint your view of your creation. Don't get discouraged; remember to keep forging, and I would be honored to test any other maps that you create. Just post the map in the Tester's Guild.
Told you rockets on a 1v1 map is a bad idea... I use Final ledgy or w/e (the one thats stickied atm) for 1v1 warm ups sometime and the evade on that map really works well, especially cuz its DMR/sniper for the game type.
I didn't want to post again but I feel the need after reading this... Hulter has an issue with you because he disagrees with a decision you made? Okay... Quit referring to an overpowered weapon on a map this small as an "opinion". I know how powerful the rockets are, and I know how small the map is. There is no need to play it. And for that long second paragraph, the only feedback was lower rocket respawn time, and give the DMR more clips. Wether it is a full blown map or not is not my way of insulting it, it is a term of categorization. Do not compare it to a full blown map, because it is not a full blown map. Arcade is the type of map you compare it to due to its scale and depth.
I have no issue with you. I have an issue with what you say. I'm desperate to prove you wrong? faulty examples? Ill concieved insults? Like what? What "ill concieved insults" have I made? "Du vogel" is the closest I ever got, and that was quite obviously nothing but an unserious remark. The entire German thing is just humorous. And that you "wie einen verückter spricht" is indeed not either a personal insult, but something in regards of what you said. I think it was poppycock, and I have the right to say so.
First off, I think the map looks very cool. I generally have an extreme dislike for lighting effects, but I really like the combination you used on this map. The forging is very solid as well. The design is extremely generic. There's really no depth to it at all. There are no sneaky routes. There is minimal elevation variance. Regardless of where you kill your opponent, any of their possible respawn locations can be reached in about 1 second. For these reasons, rockets are definitely not appropriate. If you kill your opponent, you should certainly have an advantage over them. But, you should not be guaranteed kills. The combination of the shape and size of the map, and the apparent ease of predicting respawn locations guarantees kills to the person with the rocket launcher if they are at all competent. Of course, this is just my opinion, but I do not think that the rocket launcher is something that should be legitimately considered in any competitive 1v1, but it most definitely should not be on this map. It is an advantage that can not be overcome by the opposing player. My suggestions... - Add complexity to the map via flanking routes and more pronounced elevation changes. - Create safer spawning locations. Adding complexity will automatically help with this, but try to create spawning areas that are somewhat segregated from the main room, and which have multiple routes into the main room (preferably at multiple elevations also). - Remove the Rocket Launcher and replace it with something which gives an advantage, but which can also be overcome by the opposing player.
@a Chunk First of all, thank you for the complements. Onto the rocket launcher "problem:" I had origionaly had a grenade launcher. It fit the map well, but no one would really risk their virtual life for it. It was very rarely used, but the geometry of the map could be used by a skilled 'nades-man very effectively. I'm thinking of putting it back in, and I may or may not change up the layout a bit to re-direct the flow to the 'nade launcher. Thank you EVERYONE for your feedback. If anyone is at all interested in helping me with spawns, feel free to add me on LIVE: BuffetSugar. Good day.