No, anyone who as anti-left, spouting off crap, far right wing as you is Rush Limbaugh. There's a surprisingly none Republican point. Also something that isn't so easy. If it was it would have been done. The whole destabilize an entire country and end up worse than it started is sort of a deterrent to that plan. And by foreign bases I assume you mean specifically bases in the Middle East as I don't know why you'd care about our bases in European countries. Basically meaning we go dark as far as any information sources within those countries or not have any easy place to launch any future actions against possible aggressors. After WWI the USA decided to turtle itself and that ended in Pearl Harbor. Not that I don't agree we could do with a massive downsizing in our war budget but I'm just stating its not nearly as easy as "just pull out" and whether a Republican or Democrat is in offense that process won't be any easier. So essentially doctors charge whatever they want, pharmaceutical prices through the roof, and food can be made out of the cheapest parts of stuff with absolutely no inspectors (as that is the main job of the know making sure we don't die from our food) More decidedly not Republican points but consistent with your gangsta persona. So cocaine, heroin, LSD, PCP, Ecstasy, Meth, shrooms, etc all fall under your distinction. Drugs that not only can kill you in 1 try (and don't give me that so can pot and alcohol crap, if that kills you in 1 try its because of outside influences like a bus hitting you, not your brain seizing up) but for the most part make for non-functioning people. And yes I remember your whole "drug thread" in which you argued there are high functioning users of such drugs. You show me any serious numbers of those people and maybe I'll agree. Oh so de-regulation would help small businesses. Not regulation that would make sure larger companies are following reputable business practices and not just steam-rolling smaller companies because it would help their bottom line. No, I'm sure regulation is crippling those small businesses. Close tax loopholes is basically empty jargon at this point. Every politician says it and apparently their are infinite amounts of loop holes as when one is "closed" another opens. Guess the government will have to have a bake sale to pay for stuff. As well as sales tax is local by state or even city. How generous of you on the "maybe not disability" part. Why stop at no minimum wage? How about we lower the legal working age to 6, seemed to work well for the Industrial Revolution. So your "future" is essentially no government. People do what they want when they want, sounds cool, I look forward to a better tomorrow.
I mean pull out of ALL foreign bases. Pearl Harbor was because the US embargoed Japan, not because they didn't get involved in WW1. Yes Iraq would be destabilised, but it's not exactly stable at the moment, in the long term they would be much better off. Doctors can charge whatever they want, but they don't. This is basic supply and demand god damn. Medical unions have successfully lobbied to regulate the amount of medical schools that can exist and how many students they can take in, reducing the supply of labor. Healthcare in the US is so expensive because of the vicious speculative fight between hospitals and insurers and ridiculously expensive drug testing by the FDA (which also restricts the import of cheaper foreign drugs). Only drug company giants can put new medicines through the millions and years it costs in testing and then they have to subsequently wait several years to make a profit on that investment. Smaller drugs like anti-venom drugs are simply cost to much to pass FDA regulations compared to the profits you’d see from them, even foreign companies that make these anti-venoms can’t field their drug in the US market because it has to pass FDA testing (FDA does not recognize the results of drug testing by foreign govt/companies). It’s a non-competitive restricted drug market mixed with an extremely vicious speculative insurance market which ends up with everybody getting ****ed thoroughly in the ass. How the **** do you come to the conclusion that deregulating would force up prices? Guess what retard? I can get all those drugs anyway, anyone can, only 20% of illegal drugs are actually stopped. If they were legal you'd have less Heroin and E cut with industrial soap, prices would go down, tax revenue would go up and crime would be down across the board. Good luck killing yourself with LSD bro. Yes deregulation does help small businesses (did you even look at the licensing part?), corporations have historically supported regulation. Point me to a piece of regulation that helps small businesses. Why do you think Ron Paul isn't supported by corporations? Australia has non working age and Finland has no minimum wage, aren't these those "civilised countries" you were talking about.
You first pointed out that you're talking about income taxes specifically, then you said we're second in taxation. The post is still there, you know. I know, that was my point. Their taxes are higher because it goes towards nationwide programs that benefit just about everyone. I wasn't talking about just the banks. There were always some regulations in place, but we're using the term pretty loosely here. They can always find loopholes and other ways around mild restrictions, so you have to have some measure of oversight to go with it. Of course, that can't work either if both the governing officials and the corporate executives are corrupted by the same incentives that drive the shady practices to begin with. Knock it off with the if-then fallacies. You're drawing wild conclusions for no reason other than effect. While I'd love to take a huge chunk out of the defense budget, we can do so without killing our world presence. Like it or not, we've been on top because of military muscle above all else, so a 180 isn't the most subtle way to change things and still remain on top. Legalizing vices is whatever. I don't see why it wouldn't work in moderation, but I certainly don't care if it remains illegal. As I mentioned before, we are implying slightly different things with the term "regulation". It sounds like you just want to cut back on a lot of the bureaucracy and red-tape, and that's great. I'm on board with that. I just don't believe we can leave things unsupervised, that's all. That's some Ayn Rand **** right there. I'm all for the "survival of the fittest" approach for a lot of things, but you have to realize that the people that you're screwing over by hanging them out to dry don't just "go away".
off topic or not I just wanted to add that this is the most coherent I've seen you hpm on any one topic for any length of time so I commend you on that.
No, I know when someone is trolling and when someone is actually saying what they think. HPM is speaking his actual beliefs.
hundreds arrested for second week in a row as Occupy Chicago protesters took to grant park last night. i was livestreaming the whole thing with a couple friends, it was an intense experience. the police arrested them on the grounds of violating the park's curfew. those who were unwilling to be arrested and stand up against this were barricaded into a small area of sidewalk where they were allowed to continue. the rest of the protesters, a group of union workers, nurses from the NNU, and college students, were all arrested peacefully and carried/walked over to the awaiting paddywagons and prison buses that surrounded the park when the protesters arrived.
God damn ****'s hitting the fan in Oakland. Cops are so crazy. Occupy Oakland protests - Wednesday 26 October | World news | Scott Olsen injuries prompt review as Occupy Oakland protests continue | World news | That officer better be more careful, he could lose vacation time over this.
i was waiting for someone to bump this, ha. the incidents in Oakland are appalling... I was watching on the livestream as it was happening. what a coincidence, that when police would fire off tear gas, the streetlights and livefeed from the helicopter would cut out in timing.... i've read multiple sources about what happened... apparently their justification for the attack is the "excess filth" that was present in the camp. reports of the validity of this statement vary. they also claimed that protesters were throwing rocks, bottles, and paint, at the police officers. Again, the reports on this vary... Most reports I have read that speak of the violence on the protesters behalf, are coming from the lips of police officers. So you really have to wonder... All it takes is one person to throw something, and the police force is required to show up in riot gear for their own safety, and i dont blame them for that. I dont blame them for attacking the people that attacked them either, IF that happened. But there was no need for this excessive militaristic action upon a largely peaceful body of citizens. NYC had a solidarity march for Oakland last night, also Oakland reassembled and held a GA in the same location last night. I'm pretty sure it went okay, i did not see any reports of crazyness this morning, and it seemed to be going fine when i was watching live last night. link dump time OccupyMARINES Occupy Wall Street National Convention Daily Kos: A Voice From the 1% -quote from a blog - quote from someone's google status
Spoiler If everyone stood on these terms, you'd see me on wall street too. And I am very much against the slandering and manipulation of facts that goes on with these protests (every party is guilty.)
Of course they'll deny everything. Although I never actually went, occupy Boston was a bit calmer. But they did get 'em the moment they got on the Greenway. I think all of this is a bit silly, but we'll see what happens in the long run.
Yea i just got done watching that Peter Schiff video. He makes a lot of good points, but but they also made it look like no one knew what they were talking about with the editting, which is disappointing... but what can you expect haha.
Just because I'm a little ****-stirrer... Here's another "let them eat cake" story: Top Foreclosure Firm Threw Homeless-Themed Halloween Bash
recommended reading & viewing: occupy wall street « i am lauren leonardi Declaration of the Occupation of New York City | NYCGA A New Declaration of Independence: 10 Ideas for Taking America Back from the 1% | | AlterNet