Here is first COMPLETE map in Reach. I had made several maps for friends in H3 and a couple oddball maps in Reach but this is the first I consider to be a real, playable, slayer-appropriate map. There's really not a whole lot to tell about this map other than it has not been made to accommodate any other gametypes but Slayer & TS. That's not to say that it CAN'T, but I didn't take the time to make it as such. That being said, this map has a plethora of weapons strewn about. The list is as follows: 1xRocket Launcher (spawns with 2 rockets only) 1xGL 1xEnergy Sword 1xShotgun 1xConcussion Rifle 2xSniper Rifle 2xPlasma Rifle 2xNeedle Rifle 2xNeedler 6xDMR 6xFrag Grenade 8xPlasma Grenade There are no powerups or armor abilities on the map, so loadouts must be tailored to suit, if desired. Unfortunately I have not had the pleasure of playing this map with ANYONE yet. I would very much appreciate a handful of players who would be willing to playtest with me. A little more regarding the is perfectly symmetrical, with a middle platform in the high center that holds the CR. On one end there is a shotgun room that leads to the back corner spawns on either side, or one can also walk out the front to jump to the CR platform. On the other end, there is a Lockout BR tower, with the bottom level room containing nothing but a teleporter leading to the shotgun room. The rockets rest at the top of the tower, & the middle level is just a pathway to get out of the tower without jumping straight down. The sides of the map are sporting a triple room, with a bridge leading out to the back corner spawns to one side, and a sniper perch on the other. Beware people using the grav lift on the ground level, though. The bottom hole on each room was left open, and a grav lift place directly underneath, allowing quick access to the room above. In the bottom center of the map, there is just an open dish placed so that anyone walking on the ground level cannot be seen on the opposite side of the dish, unless of course there is any jumping going on. Also, the sword is in the center of the open dish. That about sums it all up. Sorry for the WOT but I tried to describe it in excruciating detail. As far as gametypes, it was only designed for slayer, but as mentioned before I'm certain that it can be adapted to fit CTF, Assault, Ball, Juggernaut, and possibly a Living Dead gt. Here's some screens so you all can check it out. xlEastmanlx Sniper perch looking toward Orange team spawn (back corner) Orange team spawn with shotgun room in view (far right) Opposite corner of Orange spawn, but the camera was positioned a bit higher to see across the map. Center dish containing sword...looking toward bottom of tower with teleporter Shotgun room (tower) seen from VERY top center of map So that's Workshop. I hope you guys like my work as much as I enjoyed making it. I am about to begin work on my 2nd and the experience I gained making this one will prove invaluable in completing the next. Happy killing everyone!
I like the mood yours has. Unfortunately, most of my projects are too large to fit inside of the coliseum. Good on ya, mate.
Thanks for the comment mallard...but yea since this was my "first" map in reach I wanted to do something kinda small. Needless to say the coliseum isn't THAT small, it's the smallest indoor area to make a map. The one I'm working on now is far more grandiose in both scale and ambition lol. From the outside it's not going to look like much, but it's what's on the inside that counts. Anyway, if you'd like to play on it sometime add me...xLEastmanLx. I STILL have yet to play one game on this map