Hey guys some of you have been asking what I have been doing since I had left Forge Hub for a while, well here is your answer. I have been creating comedy, and illusion videos for my new youtube account. Which can be found here: (http://ca.youtube.com/user/CrazedFX) If you like these videos please subscribe to my channel and keep checking them out.. Here is an example of one of my videos, http://ca.youtube.com/watch?v=pvkUK44tttU ( This embeddation may not work, forgive me I haven't been on this site for a while so It's like I'm a newb again.. :squirrel_chatting
Urm a bunch of random video clips being played backwards, with extremely minor urban gymnastics thrown in? Maybe it would be cooler if you had some more decent urban gymnastics in there.
That, was a random video we put together. I didn't want you to neccicarely look at that one. Just cause it was in the Videos section I thought I would have to include a video to advertise my youtube account. LOL, all you halo addicts wouldn't get this stuff anyways. You are too use to killing aliens in your basement! MUHAAAAAAAAHHAaA!! :squirrel_chatting:
LOL to be honest this really isn't anything, I'll see if the other videos don't blow as much. Ha the comedy ones weren't funny and the rest were just like this one. I tried to be nice at first, but: FAIL
Yeah I wanted to be nice but after that "all you halo addicts wouldn't get this stuff anyways. You are too use to killing aliens in your basement!" thing... Well let's see shall we... You just copied the idea from the original, rock/ice video. I can't remember what it's called. If you didn't copy it from them, you copied it from someone who did... Background music was FAIL... When the video is as mediocre, as Chips said, as this one is you could of at least included some decent background music. These so called "illusions", as you call them, aren't very effective... Usually with these kinds of videos you get them showing some cool effects, but this is just stupid... Look! Watch me walk down some stairs backwards! Or watch me jump off this poll about half a meter off the ground... BUT BACKWARDS! WAIT I have a better idea, I'll rip this cardboard up and then it will look cool in the video because I will make it go... BACKWARDS. The only reason I watched it all the way through was because it was posted on Forgehub, also I don't plan on watching any of the other videos because of this initial FAIL. Oh and by the way, I don't even have a -blam-ing basement...
I'm sorry, but they are all quite amatuer, with no value. The comedies aren't funny. Just some kids on camera trying way to hard.