Batman: Arkham City Discussion

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Chron, Oct 6, 2011.

  1. Chron

    Chron Ancient
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    Well, seeing as Arkham City is going to be released in less than two weeks, I thought that now was a good time to begin a discussion thread. I'll keep the thread updated with any new information that's released in the next 11 days. Ofcourse, for those who do not it want to be spoiled for them, I'll kindly place all information in spoiler tags. Now, discuss!
    A year after the chaotic events of Batman: Arkham Asylum, both the Elizabeth Arkham Asylum for the Criminally Insane and Blackgate Prison remain gutted, the former in a massive breakout launched by the inmates and the latter due to a mysterious fire. The administrator of Arkham, mayoral candidate Quincy Sharp, soon takes advantage of the Batman's defeat of the Joker at Arkham and claims the credit himself for bringing the asylum back under control. This is partially to salvage his image, in tatters after the single worst asylum riot took place at a crucial time when Sharp was trying to convince the people of Gotham City to vote for him.
    This is successful, and Sharp is elected mayor of Gotham. His first act is to announce ruined Arkham Asylum and Blackgate Prison both unfit to house criminals. He then undertakes a bold new project: To move all the former inmates of incarceration at both places into a walled-off urban district, Arkham City. This will be a city only for villains, and is made up of Gotham City's most notorious slums, including Crime Alley. To guard the perimeter of Arkham City the mayor does away with Arkham Asylum's old security force and replaces them with professional mercenaries from a private military organization, TYGER. Once all the criminals are trapped inside the prison city, they are told they may do as they please, but there is only one rule: Do not escape. This is supported by the TYGER mercenary forces, who enforce this policy through the liberal use of their firearms on any escaping denizens of Arkham City. Since the entire population of Arkham is made up of criminals running wild on the streets, Sharp secretly hopes they will destroy each other inside walled confinement instead of committing crimes in Gotham.

    With the criminals free to do whatever they want short of escaping, bloody turf wars erupt as various supervillains carve up Arkham City among themselves. A mysterious figure named Dr. Hugo Strange, an Arkham psychiatrist, is placed at the helm of the project by Sharp, but little is known about his objectives or his shadowy past, and rumors soon run rampant that he is up to horrible things behind Arkham City's walls. Those who try and find out too much about Arkham or Strange one by one mysteriously vanish by night, and it is implied most end up inside the city themselves, to be torn apart by the inmates. Batman, wary of Sharp and even more so of Strange, monitors Arkham City for several months, believing that the entire thing has been a ticking time bomb waiting to explode.

    His pretext to infiltrate the place himself comes when Catwoman, who has no gang and is working as a freelancer in Arkham City, is captured by Two-Face and his henchmen. Two-Face, a new inmate, is short on men and weapons and cannot afford the costly gang battles he is already embroiled in. In order to help achieve dominance and eliminate a potential rival, the villain announces he will publicly execute Catwoman. By doing so he also hopes that this will win him some support among the criminal populance. Given their past, Batman has no choice but to enter Arkham to save her and uncover what's really going on. With a brand-new bag of tricks, the Dark Knight might just survive the night locked up in an anarchic zone with all of the city's worst freaks and madmen.

    Confirmed Characters:
    Heroes and Allies:
    • Batman
    • Catwoman
    • Robin
    • Nightwing
    • Alfred Pennyworth
    • Commissioner Gordon
    • Oracle
    • Jack Ryder
    • Bane
    • The Joker
    • Harley Quinn
    • Dr. Hugo Strange
    • Two-Face
    • The Penguin
    • Solomon Grundy
    • Mr. Zsasz
    • Mr. Freeze
    • Talia al Ghul
    • Calender Man
    • Deadshot
    • Mad Hatter
    • Black Mask
    • Henchmen
    Trailers and Gameplay videos:
  2. ShaddoBlade

    ShaddoBlade Fuzzy Little Man Peach
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    In the Gliding Gameplay video, you can clearly see the Olympus building which makes me believe Maxie Zeus will make an appearance. I suppose it could just be aesthetic, but with the inclusion of many of the other lesser known villains, I doubt they would just make the building without including the character.

    Batman: Arkham City - Gliding/Gameplay Trailer - YouTube
  3. WhiteRice321

    WhiteRice321 Ancient
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    So glad you made this i was looking for a forum the other day and couldnt find one, and was to lazy to make one lol

    In the video that madhatter is revealed in, you can also see poison ivy w/catwoman which i consider to be confirmation that shes in the game
  4. Xun

    Xun The Joker

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    I'm champing at the bit to play this game. I want to get it finished before Skyrim comes out though, so it'll be a mission every afternoon after work, and all weekend.

    Anyone else get the collectors edition? I got it cheaper online than the regular version would be in shops, cuz I'm a bawss like that.
  5. Chron

    Chron Ancient
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    Well the game has finally been released worldwide. I've played through the main storyline twice now and I've got to say, it's pretty freakin' amazing. For the sake of spoiling it for everyone, I won't be mentioning anything that hasn't been advertised in trailers or gameplay videos. First off, the game is pretty large, there are a few side quests that you're able to complete before and after you finish the main storyline. All of which are enjoyable. There are loads of Riddler challenges for the player to find and complete. They're much more challenging and unique when compared to the riddles that were in Arkham Asylum. Voice acting is spectacular. Mark Hamill gets a special Chronpoint for his performance as The Joker. There are also a few Easter Eggs that players may find. From the ones I've seen, they're worth taking a look at.
    Arkham City is well on it's way to becoming my favourite game. It's a great sequel that easily exceeds it's predecessor. For anyone that was a fan of the original, you should definitely go pick this up.
  6. ShaddoBlade

    ShaddoBlade Fuzzy Little Man Peach
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    I just beat the game last night, and my only two gripes are:
    1. The "double" counter rarely works. I usually only counter one guy, and get hit by the other halfway through the counter.
    2. I got stuck in a corner battling one boss. It appeared that I could slide underneath some cabinets, but, instead, Bats just slid into the corner and was stuck there. Nothing I could do would make him escape, so I had to just sit there and take a beating all the while being told by Batman that I can't attack this enemy from the front...

    Everything else is amazing. They took all the good from the first game and made it bigger and better in almost every way. The story was great and the ending was especially well done.

    The inclusion of Clayface really made the game for me, as he is my favorite of the Batman villains.
  7. Shatakai

    Shatakai Ancient
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    The double and triple counters work pretty much flawlessly for me. If two people are attacking just double tap Y quickly, no timing required.
  8. ShaddoBlade

    ShaddoBlade Fuzzy Little Man Peach
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    Well, that's probably why they didn't work... I thought it just did it with one press of Y.
  9. WhiteRice321

    WhiteRice321 Ancient
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    Yeah clayface was pretty much the highlight of my game as well. I really enjoyed jokers ending but the bit with hugo strange was less satisfying simply because he ended up being nothing but a pawn even with all of his hype and build up and i pretty much guessed Ras was controlling him
  10. TexturedSun

    TexturedSun Ancient
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    I have to wait until Christmas as my fianceé got me the limited edition. Its sitting staring me down all the time :(
  11. QKT

    QKT Ancient
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    i enjoyed asylum better.
    it had better pacing.
  12. Xun

    Xun The Joker

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    Still waiting for my copy to arrive in the mail. If I did buy it in the shops though, I could gloat to everyone else that Australian retailers broke the street date by two days, but I can't because I don't have it yet.

    Even still, I won't be playing it until I've satisfactorily completed Dark Souls, so I may not be playing it for a while. And I'm not going to play Skyrim until I've satisfactorily completed AC either. Won't be playing anything else until I get bored with the games I have or are getting soon, anyway, including Anniversary, Darkness 2, Syndicate, Dishonored, Prey 2, and possibly a few others I can't remember right now. Too many good games coming out at the end of the year/early-mid next year. :\
  13. SargeantSarcasm

    SargeantSarcasm In Loving Memory
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    This has one of the best lead-ins to (and including) a boss battle ever. Probably my favorite ever. They handled the material so well and spun it so it fit the fantasy-realistic mythos the Arkham Asylum universe has going for it.

    I spoilered what it was just in case.

    The bioshock-ish level that leads into the incredibly well-handled Ra's fight.
  14. Xun

    Xun The Joker

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    I heard that the intro to the game is awesome as well. Will have to see in about a month. :p
  15. Shatakai

    Shatakai Ancient
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    So, maybe I missed something, but...

    What about the cure? Sure, Batman drank the cure and he's all better, but didn't Joker circulate his blood throughout Gotham? Was it ever explained how everyone else was supposed to get cured?

    Also, I was surprised just by how much death was in this game. Ra's, Hugo, Clayface, Talia, and Joker all died. Albeit, none of them by Batman's hands, but it just seems like they aren't planning on another game with all of these characters dying. Sure, the universe has many more villains to draw from, but it just seems like they killed off too many, and the main villain at that.
  16. Chron

    Chron Ancient
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    I think there'll be another game eventually. Some of the Easter Eggs in the game have hinted at a possible sequel in the future. In terms of villains for the next game, I'd expect to see Two-Face, Hush, Croc, Scarecrow, and Harley.
    For anyone that's interested, the Nightwing DLC has been released.
  17. ShaddoBlade

    ShaddoBlade Fuzzy Little Man Peach
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    If anyone else has finished the mystery watcher side quest, the stuff he talks about seems like a pretty big indication for another game. Here's hoping for Batman: Gotham City w/ 10x the area as Arkham City.
  18. Xun

    Xun The Joker

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    Has anyone got the Nightwing DLC yet? Just wondering if it's worth it.
  19. SargeantSarcasm

    SargeantSarcasm In Loving Memory
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    From a comic book reader standpoint:

    It looks like the third game is going to deal with No Man's Land, which was a huge arc in which Gotham (and I believe Bludhaven) was leveled by a massive earthquake and the police at large abandoned the city to chaos (save a few like Harvey Bullock, Gordon, and Renee Montoya). What happened was essentially Arkham City's trajectory, batman's rogues cut out slices of the city and had their own gangs. Batman went around liberating areas and keeping the peace for innocent bystanders, and would tag areas with his crest to show that anyone in that area was under his personal protection. Critically acclaimed arc I haven't gotten around to reading.

    The reason I think this is happening is Two-Face and Scarecrow figure pretty largely in that story, with the latter seeming to take power in this game, catwoman's intrusion notwithstanding. Furthermore, Scarecrow's attire can be found on that giant bridge to the industrial district, and there are mysterious signals throughout the cryptographic sequencer's radio decrypter that apparently work out to "you'll pay for what you did to me" and something about "I'm your worst nightmare." I haven't looked into it, but I did catch the broadcast myself (was too lazy match the letters to the numbers being said though).

    Anyway, the biggest piece of evidence is the fact that a large chunk of the upper-right end of Arkham City was sunk into the bay due to a huge earthquake, and the entire area that was left has clear nods to the presence of an earthquake.

    I think this is where they're going because it's an arc that not only builds upon what Arkham City went for (gangs in control of a city) but it leaves room open for the other foreshadowing-centric sidequests like Azrael being around and DON'T READ IF YOU HAVEN'T WRAPPED UP THE MYSTERIOUS BANDAGE KILLINGS PLOT
    Hush impersonating Bruce
  20. ShaddoBlade

    ShaddoBlade Fuzzy Little Man Peach
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    Is anyone else missing two Riddler Trophies in Park Row? Row 1, Column 4 and Row 4, Column 4 are both unchecked, but every guide I have looked at tells me to go places that where I have already obtained the trophy. There are no markers on the map, and I have already interrogated all the Riddler henchmen. It's not that big of a deal, because I probably won't do most of the challenge maps, so I don't have to worry about the Perfect Knight Day 2 achievement, but I kinda wanted to get all the trophies...

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