The Junkyard An abandoned junkyard. Many nooks and crannies to hid in.Works on all gametypes except zombies. Map Download Full Description An abandoned junkyard. Many nooks and crannies to hid in, as well as a couple tunnels. A couple things to note about the map: There's alot of pallets, why? Because i love pallets. Does it work for ctf, assualt, ect.? Yes, all except i think zombies. What's the man canon for? Get into the mongoose and drive it backwards and find out. I really didn't interlock much, because i had no need to. Sorry it's not bump free, but i tried to make it as smooth as possible.There's 1 oversheild and 1 active camo on opposite sides.The left side (near the tunnel) starts out with oversheild and can get spartan laser on the other side of the tunnel. The right side has camo and a sword. The grav lifts are just there for show. Pics:
wooh first post! but this map looks pretty good but the floating walls kind of look out of place to me, but thats just me. Look pretty nicely made though. could use some work on your interlocking though ;]
this map looks like it could use some more interlocking it might be the pictures i will have to dl and check it out
Yeah, tried to interlock some parts.I could go back and edit it a little bit, but not right now. I just don't see the point besides making it look smoother. For some reason when i try to interlock, it still has some bumps. Any help?