
Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by mr frisk, Oct 21, 2011.

  1. mr frisk

    mr frisk Forerunner

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    Hello again. This map is made by my wife and it's her first map, so that's fun. It's also her last map. She just likes to play and wanted to get an idea of how much work people put into creating a map. Too much! She says. Anyway, here's some specs/a back story on the map.

    Story and inspiration:
    UNSC has rapidly been colonizing throughout the Galaxy. They have also been in constant conflict with covenant forces. Focusing their attention elsewhere they begin to neglect those colonies. The rebels are born. They want to take control of what's theirs. The UNSC seeing this as an act of terrorism and not wanting to let go of resources declare war on the rebels. This particular conflict takes place in a small farming community. The canal has been destroyed as a hope to get the rebels to realize they can't farm without water. The windmill generator has been destroyed to hope the UNSC will leave without power. This is a wartorn rural colony, struggling for survival.

    Needler x2, Needle Rifle x2, DMR x4, Magnum x2, Plasma Pistol x2, Plasma Repeater x2, Shotgun x2, Grenade Launcher x2, Sniper, Rocket, Frag x4, Sticky x4, HMG

    Mongoose x4, Warthog x4, Falcon x2

    Overview of Red side. Here you can see the Church, windmill, canal, storage shed and green house.
    Overview of Blue side. It has a farmhouse, big barn (center), grain silo and small barn (left).
    The church has a bell tower that you can climb as well as roof access. From this angle you can also see the windmill. The windmill contains a Needle Rifle, 2 stickys, and a plasma repeater along the upper level. There is a kill boundary on top of the windmill and silo to prevent camping up there.
    A side view of the church shows the damage done from UNSC/rebel conflict. Also it plays as an important base of operations for red team. Flag and bomb objectives are inside. Also territory 3 for the 3 plots gametype. You spawn outside of the church, so you're not spawning in the territory. Inside are 2 hogs (in the holes in the wall. Also a grenade launcher, DMR, HMG and health pack. Out side are 2 mongooses. There are six points of entry to the church, 2 on either side as well as the main entrance/exit. You can also see the Falcon from this angle. The fence in the back (left) is red team spawn point.
    Storage shed has a needler. The green house has a plasma pistol, magnum, 2 frags and a health pack. Both of these buildings provide enough cover to get out of the area of incoming vehicles whether airborne or moving across this country terrain, and also a nice advantage against infantry in the open. The cave mouth is where the rocket is located.
    This is the rocky area just beyond the gates of the church. Against one rock is a DMR and another is a Shotgun. Not entirely sure where, but I do know the DMR is left and the Shotgun is right in this pic. The canal is just beyond the rocky area and runs down the center of the map. The center of the canal is territory 2 of 3 plots. Controlling this point is going to be a challenge. It provides little cover from air, infantry and vehicles. But with a good scout sniper sitting up on the cliff (which happens to be where the sniper is located).
    The small barn has a needler inside. The grain silo has a small encampment with a magnum, plasma pistol, 2 frags and health pack. Both provide cover from air and ground vehicles as well as infantry. The fence line has a shotgun (upper left) and DMR (lower left).
    The big barn is the blue base of operations. It has a grav lift on the front side that takes you to the roof. Inside there are a DMR, grenade launcher and health pack, as well as flag and bomb objectives. The front of the barn has 2 mongooses and parked in the rear are 2 warthogs. The central high ground between the big barn and farm house seemed like a reasonable LZ for the falcon. It's also location 1 of the 3 plots gametype. Exposed and a little challenging to lock down, it's also easy to defend from multiple dug in positions. The farmhouse has 2 floors and a garage. It also has 3 entry points into the main floor, 3 upstairs windows and 3 entryways into the garage. Downstairs are 2 stickys and a plasma repeater. Upstairs center window is a Needle rifle.

    That's the map. Download and Enjoy! And thank you everyone who helped in the discussion section with this map.
    #1 mr frisk, Oct 21, 2011
    Last edited: Oct 21, 2011
  2. mati1501

    mati1501 Forerunner

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    The concept is actually quite awesome and original, instead of all those maps who look the same. At first, I thought it'd be a casual map, but it's a good idea to make this competitive instead. I see it supports infection too though, it might be worth a try. Your wife makes better maps than me :D
  3. Nick Taber

    Nick Taber Forerunner

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    This may be the most adorable map I have ever seen, who knew that all it needed was a woman's touch? The layout looks really well spaced and has a good non-hemorrhage feel to it. Good stuff, wifey.
  4. Zigywig

    Zigywig Forerunner

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    For your wife's first and only map, the work looks phenominal, but I could hardly see it as a competitive map. I noticed race as one of the gametypes; it would be better off with race in my opinion. Otherwise good job wife!
  5. mr frisk

    mr frisk Forerunner

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    I'm going to have a custom on it tomorrow (hopefully) and see how it plays with at least a 6v6 in 3 plots. I'm pretty excited about it. That's the gametype it was originally designed for. Everything else is just a bonus. Infection was added last minute and any team spawns equal team slayer as a default. Other than that, it should play pretty well competitively. Similar to High Lands, except different...structure wise.
    #5 mr frisk, Oct 22, 2011
    Last edited: Oct 23, 2011
  6. t507 771t5

    t507 771t5 Forerunner

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    i did a run through of this map when it was a preview and i think you did a good job with the improvements. it feels much more tied together. it is a very unique map. i like how the buildings look like the ones from campain. great job.
  7. mr frisk

    mr frisk Forerunner

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    Thanks. And I think that this is the final version of the map.

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