Yes. It seems kind of redundant to post a preview of this map, as so many people have played on it and it is pretty close to completion, but I figured, why not. So here's a little video pinohkio made (thanks man) to show it off. The skylight/ceiling and parts of the newer geometry were done thanks to nibbles. It's got some rotational symmetry, and it's fairly large for a map that was built for 2v2. Temple - YouTube Testing is still going on, so join in. Oh yeah, and the map has changed even more since this video was taken. A little bit aesthetically, but mostly spawns and framerate. Added a new tactical jump and changed yellow to purple. Soon: -Weapon list -DL link (maybe)
why no embed? I didn't realized this is was the map I was helping you with until I watched the video Did you change the name or something? It's really nice how you've expanded it and that helps with the conquestishness I was worried about. I'm still not a big fan of how you've placed those grav lifts because if you jump while going into them it's easy to hit the wall then drop back down then finally get boosted up, assuming you hit the grav lift when you go down. Either go back to the shield door lift I showed you, or merge a few grav lifts together at the bottom so people can go up anywhere along the base of the wall.
Not sure. Try just posting the youtube link without touching it. The site should embed it automatically I think... let's try. Temple - YouTube EDIT: Nope. Don't know. Has the uploader disabled the ability to embed on other sites?
I see what you mean and I would consider it, if I had more money. I could easily get some cash back. I really want a noisy lift, though.
What is it with people and noisy lifts. Some people insist on having a noisy lift and some insist on having a quite lift. I don't really think it matters that much, but with all the decorative objects you have everywhere, getting budget to put in another two shield doors should take about six seconds, and will help avoid any framerate trouble.
This looks really nice Ticky, I'd love to get a game on here at some point. Maybe we can get a lobby going and I can get some testing on Project: Chain too. Is that a tactical ramping-rock jump I spy? If so I'm there in a heartbeat.
I'm not usually into competitive maps, but when I am, they are really good looking. Vi. Just stumbled upon this map,and I can seriously tell you that I see great potential. Nice job! When do you think you may have this released? Anyways, nice job, and make sure you take your time on building it so it stays amazing.
Using a noisy lift has a downside and an upside. The upside is that you get to go... uh... up and to where you want to go faster, but the downside is the noise. That noise gives you away and your opponent immediately knows exactly where you are if he's in range of the sound. Might not sound like much, but that sound changes players' decisions a lot. Shield doors have no downsides, and because of this a lot of map designers don't like 'em.
Well thanks! Release depends on how many tests I can get and how spawns hold up. Hopefully soon though. [br][/br]Edited by merge: Pretttty much this...I wanted players to know when someones coming up that way they are always aware. It also convinces them to use the other ways up to the base(the stairways) which increases map flow in a rotational way. But I still will consider it, and pyro I'm pretty sure I got rid of most of the framerate lag. The video doesn't show the most recent version of the map. [br][/br]Edited by merge: Oh ye, there are a few tactical jumps throughout the map.
I'll trust you on that, but just remember that if a map ever has framerate trouble in average situations it will take a lot of work to eliminate problems in high stress situations, which are arguably when a lack of framerate problems is most important. This isn't as much a problem for 2v2 as it is for big team but it still holds in most cases. My point was more that it can't hurt to reduce object density if you need to get some budget, rather than that you need to reduce object density.
Although the name of this map is somewhat...bland and not very creative, it does a great job of representing the map. So, I guess it's no big deal. The layout looks pretty damn good and the use of natural enviornment puts a nice touch on it. I also really like your use of tunnel braces. Keep up the good forging.
I rather like the looks of this. The theme looks pretty well done, and it looks like gameplay will be solid. I'll have to play this sometime soon.
I think I played on this map a while ago although it looked WAY different. From the video alone it seems to play better. If you ever need a tester or some feedback feel free to invite me GT: X2Sora
I will be releasing Temple very soon so that I can give my full attention to BIOC as I am now a staff member of the team and I would like to work on my infection maps as well. So, expect to see Temple released soon!