Atrophy ii

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by a sharp corner, Oct 23, 2011.

  1. a sharp corner

    a sharp corner Ancient
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    Atrophy ii

    This is a version two of my map Atrophy, It has updated in response to the feedback i was given.

    6 dmr
    4 needle rifle
    4 assault rifle
    2 magnums
    1 spartan laser
    4 plasma repeaters
    2 spikers
    2 snipers
    2 concussion rifles
    2 needlers
    2 plasma pistols
    2 shotguns
    (its a big map, it needs lots of guns)

    4 warthogs
    4 mongeese (probably not the right plural but it sounds cool)
    2 banshees
    2 revanants

    Picture Time!


    Updated base with more cover on the ground and in the sky

    Falcon replaced with banshees because banshees are harder to shoot down

    Middle structure now doesn't have a sword in middle level

    #1 a sharp corner, Oct 23, 2011
    Last edited: Oct 23, 2011
  2. Combs53090

    Combs53090 Forerunner

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    The middle structure is really cool but the bases seem a little bland and clunky. If I were you I'd go back and tool around with the bases. Also, for such a vehicle heavy map there is almost no cover between structures. Normally, you wouldn't need much cover but this map contains 2 banshees, 2 revanants and 4 warthogs. This is gonna create a no man's land between bases.

    Lastly, in regards to taking down the banshees, I'd replace the single laser with two of the covenant plasma launchers. That way, there is something for BOTH teams to counter vehicles but still capable enough to elude its fire.

    You've got a lot of potential with this map but I don't think it's 100% complete just yet.

  3. a sharp corner

    a sharp corner Ancient
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    i don't quite agree with the "no man's land thing" but I like the plasma launcher idea, and im kinda surprised because i changed little about the bases from the V1 and all of the comments were about the creativity of the bases

    thankyou for the feedback though, it all helps
    #3 a sharp corner, Oct 23, 2011
    Last edited: Oct 23, 2011
  4. MrGreenWithAGun

    MrGreenWithAGun Forerunner
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    You know, I often wonder why the original FW BTB maps had so few objects (e.g., Hemorrhage, Paradiso). Your map is essentially Hemorrhage with a big center structure. I am not saying this is bad, but I wonder when I look at it how it impacts BTB vehicular movement? In a bad way? In a good way?

    In other words, is Hemorrhage empty in the middle due to an attempt to keep frame rate issues at a minimum, or because vehicles in BTB thrive in open fields? In either case, how does your map (and many like it) alter the behavior that Bungie sought after?
  5. a sharp corner

    a sharp corner Ancient
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    A good question indeed: The middle structure doesn't make any noticeable frame rate lag, I'm assuming that Hemorrhage and Paradiso lack objects because: Hemorrhage, was designed after the previous maps which were designed simple, and Paradiso has the rocks and mountain already on it so the gameplay is pretty divided as is.

    Essentially, the gameplay is un-ultered
  6. Equin0x

    Equin0x Forerunner

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    As of now, the bases seem small, almost reminiscent of Valhalla, but without the lifts. This by itself is not bad, but unless you have a teleporter inside the base that we cant see, players may end up being trapped in there by infantry.

    The middle structure looks good from the one pic we have of the top (that also coversd the entire map), but I would like a picture of just the entire middle structure before making any conclusions. From what I can see, though, it looks like it would make a good line-of-sight blocker.

    I also completely agree with the no-man's land thing said earlier. The absolute lack in cover anywhere but the middle and that cluster of rocks will make the infantry flock to those locations, creating a bottleneck of sorts in those areas. I recommend speading the rocks out a bit and add more miscellaneous structures that fit with the map for cover.
  7. a sharp corner

    a sharp corner Ancient
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    There are lifts on the bases, and i don't understand the no man's land thing because it is essentially hemorrhage/ Valhalla with more cover, and don't forget about how hilly the terrain is

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