Check This AWESOME Map

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by frank1nbeanz, Oct 23, 2011.

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  1. frank1nbeanz

    frank1nbeanz Forerunner

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    Check these awesome arena maps. I worked really hard on it, download it and give it a try, please. Their names are "Sia" and "Pinch". There's some screenshots you can look at also. Enjoy! and there's a facebook page you can "like" :)

    #1 frank1nbeanz, Oct 23, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 23, 2011
  2. Poolio

    Poolio Forerunner
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    Why did you post this here? There is a huge section where you can post your maps and share them with the community. But in order to post it there, you must follow the official guidelines.
  3. pyro

    pyro The Joker
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    He's too lazy to put in pictures and write a short description so he posts here. It's just another one of those people who thinks "hey cool, there's another site where I can advertise my stuff. I think he could get infracted for a "bad thread title" since it doesn't give any relevant information.

    In regards to the map: Needs more interlox, and a download link.

    Seriously, the problem with saying a map is awesome is that when you say that about a mediocre map like the ones you posted, people henceforth assume anything you say is mediocre is awesome, even if it really is awesome.
    #3 pyro, Oct 23, 2011
    Last edited: Oct 23, 2011
  4. Bloo Jay

    Bloo Jay Ancient
    Senior Member

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    No. Links removed.

    Post your maps properly in the map forums, or don't post them at all.
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