Hello evryone, today I bring you my crown jewel, Solstice. Solstice is a very small, symmetrical 1v1 map, so it's best played with 2 people (thanks, captain obvious) (you're welcome). My goal was to create a beautiful and fast-paced map which would always keep you on your "toes." The FX Nova, Juicy, and Purple were used to create a snowy, and almost dream-like, feel to the map. Background: So, one night I was at home, alone and bored out of my mind. I fired up Reach and doodled around a bit in my older map, Parable (If you're familiar with Parable, you should be able to see the resemblance between these two). I ended up deleting the hallways around the map and and the two bridges in the middle, leaving a very bare and boring base. I randomly put down 4 groups of 3 block: 4x4's of varying heights near each corner and immediately saw potential. I then added the walls, windows at each initial spawn, and "changed the color" of the floor in the center pit. I kept adding on to it and couldn't put my damn controller down for around 5 hours. Finally, the layout was finished; now all I had to is the weapons and spawns! Initially, I had the grenade launcher as the power weapon and 4 plasma 'nades, but thanks to Knight Of Order and his loyal guest, I was persuaded to change the 'nade launcher to a Rocket Launcher (the problem was that no one really rushed pro-pipe...). I think that's it for my little rant! Weapon List: DMR: 2, spawn time: 30s, spare clips: 0 Needle Rifle: spawn time: 30s, spare clips:1 Assault Rifle: 2, spawn time: 30s, spare clips: 1 Magnum: 2, spawn time: 30, spare clips: 1 Rocket Launcher: 1, spawn time: 80s, spare clips: 0 Frag Grenade: 2, spawn time: 15s Plasma Grenade: 2, spawn time: 15s Gametype Properties: Score to Win: 25 kills Teams: Enabled Primary Weapon: DMR Secondary Weapon: None Team Changing: Not Allowed Melee Modifier: 75% Starting Equipment: Sprint Grenade Count: none Player Speed: 110% Jump Height: 110% Motion Tracker Mode: Off Forced Color: White Screenshots: ^Overview^ ^Blue Initial Spawn/Showcase^ ^Red Initial Spawn/Showcase^ ^Inside showcase (red)^ Thanks: Knight Of Order: Thanks for testing and providing wonderful feedback! Absonus: Well... uhm... thanks for the "action shots?" SeargeantSarcasm8: Thank you for pushing me to finish this project. This never would've been finished without you to motivate me. I hope you (the reader) have as much fun on Solstice as I did creating it! Don't forget to leave a comment... <3
I loved this map from the first instance I laid my gaze upon it. It is a magnificent map that combines an interesting Special FX coloration and it sticks to a beautiful theme. I had a great time playing the previous version, and I feel honored that I was able to give you some useful feedback.
Thanks breh! I took all(or almost all) of your advice and it worked out great. Although, I still couldn't find that Z-fighting you had mentioned...
Wow, caught my attention with the way you used the tin cups with naturals. The walls you created look amazing, the color effects you used fits too, and usually I'm not a fan with them. Looks fun for 1v1, nice job.
Looks very nice and well made, but..rockets on a 1v1 map?! °_° Put an evade pick up, alot more fun for both players.
I disagree with replacing the Rocket Launcher with an Evade. There are only two Rockets that you have with the Rocket Launcher, and that means you can get a total of two kills. However, with the Evade you can escape danger infinite times because it does not run out. You can also use Evade to chase down your enemies because it is faster than Sprint. So Evade could be stronger than the Rocket Launcher if Evade is used correctly.
Lines are so clean. Nice work. How did you get the mossy features behind glass? Is that really part of the preloaded forge geography?
Having a Rocket Launcher on a 1v1 map is usually not a good idea, but having a Rocket Launcher on a 1v1 map as simple and direct as this shouldn't even be considered. (regardless of how many Rockets) Rather than using a weapon as an incentive for players to push mid, you need the geometry to promote movement and reward the more aggressive players. I would strongly suggest you make 2 separate rooms on each side for spawning purposes, because spawn killing on this map is inevitable as of now.
Wow, I really love how you made this map. To the perfectly blended rock and grass to the glass windows this looks very cool. But you should make it for other gametypes other than arena.
It is comical that you comment about spawn killing being inevitable on this map, yet you haven't even taken the time to look at the map. Thanks to Bungie and their record of your game history, I know that you have never even lain a foot on this map let alone test it. It is impossible to decide whether or not a map has good spawns if you have never played it. With that being said, the map does include a section that is mostly segregated from the rest of the map. There the spawning on the map is safer than the rest of the map, resulting in less spawn killing at that section. I agree with you that the geometry of the map should dictate most of the flow. However, this cannot, and will not, happen all of the time, so people may have to resort to using a power weapon to govern flow. On this map he insures a risk vs. reward factor. If a player rushes for the rockets, he will be forced onto the low ground. This means that he is a much easier target to kill until he gains the Rocket Launcher. Another example of a map that uses a power weapon to govern flow is Terrace. Players would not lay foot on the bottom of the map if it the Grenade Launcher was not present. There is no other reason for a player to traverse there other than if he/she accidentally falls off of the top. Other maps that fit into this category are Powerhouse, The Cage, Sword Base, Reflection, amongst numerous more. Power weapons have been proven to be an effective way to route players to particular locations. Who would travel to the waterfall on Powerhouse, a dead end with the definite low ground, if there was no Rocket? Who would travel to the bottom platform on The Cage if no power weapon was present? The reason that Power weapons have been used so many times to affect flow is because it has been proven an effective method. Obviously, you wouldn't want to rely solely on weapon placement to govern the flow of the map, but it is a nice little addition to reroute players. By the way make sure to actually test the map before commenting next time. Way to be an "xzample".
I have to agree with xzample partially and knight partially. I often use power weapons to direct flow in my maps but I also try to create specific spawn areas where spawn killing wont occur, the worst that can happen is getting shot after leaving the spawn area, but thats easy to recover from.
Playing on this map with you, I thought the rockets were spawning way too fast, maybe make the spawn time for rockets a tiny bit longer? Other than that, I had tons of fun with you on this map.( I'm the kid in the pictures getting owned!)
I looked at it in forge genius... Even if I didn't, it's quite obvious that a map with as little depth as this would have spawning issues. Do not compare full blown maps to this map. It looks like a warm up map. A map this small should not need a power weapon to promote movement. There is a tiny risk vs. major reward. You are slightly lower than your opponent for two seconds, and then you get two free kills. Way to be a "fool".
Just thought I'd tell y'all Xamples is right and knight of ordnung is talking like a fool. The map needs a layout, and I think the tin cups in the walls look bad. Good day.
Congratulations, you were able to open the map in forge and look at it, which definitely is the same thing as playing on it...oh wait, it isn't. Looking at a map in forge and judging its gameplay is comparable to reading the synopsis on the back of the book. Is it right to say that the Great Gatsby is an awful book based upon the (somewhat) bland description on the back of the book? Likewise, is it justified to judge the complexities of gameplay based upon simply looking at a map? I'll leave you to ponder those questions. (By the way both questions are rhetorical therefore there is only one right answer, in case you didn't know.) If you still don't know the right answer here is a statement you once made in order to help you out: "Nobody can tell how a map plays just by looking at it". Oh, and thanks for the compliment, too. I don't even know where to start on this comment. Who are you to decide what depth a map has? Honestly, I didn't find too many issues with spawning when I played on this map (here are the links to the games because I actually took the time to test the map before commenting on gameplay: Private Test and Tester‘s Guild Test). Occasionally I had a bad spawn, but it wasn't often enough to warrant all of your complaining or the label "spawning issue". Therefore I don't know how you could label it obvious that this map has issues that in-fact do not exist. Once again you waste precious time stating your opinion that this map "with little depth" is not a "full blown map" and instead is a "warm-up map". Due to the fact that this is simply an opinion with no logical reasoning to support it I will not dwell on this line. Instead I call your attention to this map using a power weapon to promote movement. Many small maps including Battle/ Beaver Creek, Wizard/Warlock, and Midship/Heretic use power weapons to promote movement. It can also be argued that your own map, Terrace uses the Grenade Launcher to promote movement making your argument hypocritical at the core. I will concede that the risk vs. reward on this map is very low, with the ground only being slightly lower and in the open; however, the principle of risk vs. reward is still valid and with a tad bit of reworking this map can properly utilize it to the fullest extent. The fact that you resort to (severely lacking) "argumentum ad hominem" to defend your argument shows your lack of support, and therefore the invalidity of your argument. Are you seriously combining southern slang with a German word? In regards to your statement: "The map needs a layout"; all maps have a layout (some of which are simply better than others), personally I think the layout of this map works just fine. I personally don't agree with your view when you say that "the tin cups in the walls look bad"; I think that they add some pleasant aesthetics to the map; however everyone is entitled to their own opinion (which the entirety of your comment is based solely upon.)
It's more like there was a book with the backside resume being barely readable be cause bda grammarz of and bda sellping. You would be able to tell the book wouldn't be enjoyable. How about the issues that the map is flat and overly simple and doesn't have any safe areas for spawning? Metaphor: You don't need to keep yelling untill your teacher throws you out of class, every time. You should be able to draw the conclusion, eventually, that continous yelling gets you thrown out. It's called analysing, and you don't need to practically test every single ****ing thing in the entire world every bloody time. I think Xzamples has played enough maps without deep enough layouts, to know what the general flaws are. He should know as soon as he sees an octagon map, that the spawns are going to be predictable and dangerous, and shouldn't have to play every single varition of it, just to come to the same conclusion every time. Dyb. Those maps have geometrical controlpoints, and they aren't nearly as simple as this. Creek has the ledges and top bases, middy has top mid, and the towers, Warlock has top mid and plats. This warmup map has none. It's a flat space, appart from that minimal cavity in the middle. (and those small, insignificant raised things.) A map with flaws can be fixed. Isn't that kind of self explanatory? Oh, please. Spare me. Could have written it all in German, if that would have been more to your liking. Ich dachte nur, dass ich euch alle sagen sollte, dass Xamples recht hat und dass Ritter von ordnung wie einen werückter spricht. Excuse my possibly flawed one year's worth knowledge of the German language. Uhm... I'm looking for a word... What's it? ex... exterm... excrement... exa... AH! Exaggeration. Yeah, exaggeration. That's it. It means the layout isn't deep enough, du vogel. And I didn't say "they look bad", but I said "I think they look bad". Don't get what that "which the entirety of your comment is based solely upon." part was all about.
What the ****. Seriously guys, what the hell is the point? If you like the map, great! I've actually done something cool! If not, HELP me improve (without being jack-asses)! I joined this "community" to post my maps in hopes of some constructive critisism which would help me grow as a forger. I didn't work this hard at trying to impress my peers just to start a flame war. Knight, thanks for your support and CONSTRUCTIVE critisism. It means a lot. As for you other ass holes, grow up, help out/give tips to those who need it, and have a lovely evening.
@Knight: There is nothing I can say to you that Hulter hasn't said. The fact that you are comparing this map to full blown maps is reason enough for me to ignore you. [br][/br]Edited by merge: I gave you great feedback. You need to remove rockets, make separated spawn areas, make the geometry promote movement. Knight hasn't made any posts on this thread other than to defend his view on the rockets being in the center. I guess you find that constructive. I'll just say the map is perfect and be on my way.
This map looks very clean, I really enjoy the theme you have created between the clean looking, light colored pieces and the natural parts. I'll have to take a closer look to see what you did there, as the atmosphere is one I like a lot. And to the commenters above, have these arguments ever led anywhere? By the end of the conversation we have two opinions that both are desperately trying to prove they are facts when they are not. Whether someone had a legitimate point or not, it is lost through the insults and sarcasm in the end for both sides. Bringing emotion into the debate ends up hurting all of your arguments, which start based on usually rational points of view. These can achieve a lot more if it stays a debate, not an argument.