I did this today, didnt really mean for it to happen. I heard someone spawn below turned to look away and back up and i just shot lol. Anyways noscope achieved Trickshot! Lol - YouTube
Haha, it must have really sucked to be that guy. I wish you would've shown his view of this, though. Oh well, great shot, anyways!
I guess I can add that to the list of things I'll never be able to do, seeing as the last time I played team snipers I got more assassinations than snipes. That really is an impressive shot, and an unimpressive spawn system.
Keep in mind, on host the sniper has magnetism roughly equivalent to a small black hole. I'm not trying to discount your achievement, I'm mostly butthurt cus its been almost a year since the time when I could do that on command. Now I suck. Confound these HDTVs and their epic lagfestation.
Are you 100% sure he actually spawned there just that very millisecond before you shot him. I hear running and see no other people running(possibly him running) and I see his head just before you do a 360 and I see a shot coming from his direction while your doing the 360. So to me it looks like he could of spawned anywhere sprinted there seen you shot at you missed and while lining up a 2nd shot (standing still for accuracy?) is when you got the trick shot. (Even if he did spawn there he had enough time to move from the initial spawn see you shoot at you and then stand still.) This doesn't diminish your trick shot at all, Just the complaints about the spawn system when it doesn't even look like he spawned there are annoying.
You maybe right! I never even went to his point of view, And i dont know the spawns to well on uncaged, but I mean on several occasions ive cried at night, because of bad spawns in this game xD, jk. but sometimes you are unlucky, and spawn at the most terrible place at the most terrible time, but your theory to me is 95 % possible lol