I apologize if this question does not belong in this forum, as it doesn't necessarily have to do with forge, but instead with custom options. How can I make a hill able to be scored by anyone inside the hill, even if there is more than one and in opposite teams? I found one were it allows more than one teammate to be in the hill, but I want more then one person, regardless of who it is. Thank you in advance, Mauro
You should be able to set "contested scoring" or something with a similar name which will allow teams to score when the hill is contested and not controlled. I know the option exists and it should be user the menu with score to win but I'm not positive of the name. If you can't find it in the default gametype you may have to download one of the updated koth gametypes with extra settings.
I thought so too, especially because the MLG KOTH v6 game type has the option to allow multiple teammates to score in the hill, but I did not saw any options like the one you mention. Is there any chance that you or anyone else could link a gametype with this options available? Again, thank you all in advance, Mauro
This Koth variant should have all the options. It's a pretty recent version ~4 months old so it should have everything.
Pyro, thank you for the file; however, the only option available is for multiple teamates to score, but not everyone in the hill. This file is from 09/13/10... maybe there is a newer one?
That's odd. I'm pretty sure I've played games where multiple teams can score in the hill, but I might just be remembering something from Halo 3 before Bungie killed the custom game options. Any file with bungie as the author has 2011.09.30 as the date so I go by the reference numbers which go sequentially in the order files have been uploaded to a fileshare.
My understanding is that they all say 9/13/10 for security reasons, even if they were made 4/5/11, for example.
Mr. Green, do you happen to know if there is another gametype with the options that I'm looking for or a way around it? Thank you