Invasion Forge Tips.

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Voltage800, Oct 22, 2011.

  1. Voltage800

    Voltage800 Forerunner

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    Does anyone know of any way to make a Fusion Coil/Trip Mine explode when moving to a new phase in Invasion? (Spawning an explosive that drops to the floor to cause an explosion isn't an option, it's needs to happen as soon as the phase changes.)

    I want to make it look like a door has exploded.
  2. Paranoia UK

    Paranoia UK Ancient
    Senior Member

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    perhaps spawn the fusion coils inside another object at spawn change? im guessing they would blow instantly as they are occupying the same space as an immovable object. The other option would be to have the phase completed by planting a bomb at the door, when the bomb explodes the doorway is suddenly open.
  3. Voltage800

    Voltage800 Forerunner

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    I've tried both of these suggestions. The fusion Coil spawns and phases into the object with no explosion, and as for the bomb plant suggestion: I tried this, but because the door is recessed into a wall it makes it far too easy for the Spartans (attackers) to plant the bomb.
  4. The Abhorrent

    The Abhorrent Forerunner

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    Hmm, tricky.... but I have an idea.

    There are only a handful of ways to set off some fusion coils without a constantly falling explosive. The bomb location is probably the best bet, though you did mention it would be a problem.

    I'm assuming you only want the explosion to go off once, so the fusion coils will be placed at the start but won't respawn at all during the course of the game (if they aren't place at the start, they'll never spawn at all).

    There are a couple of other methods, but both present issues:

    Possibility #1 - Falling Object
    Simply enough, have an object spawn and fall on the fusion coils to set them off. This object has to be subject to gravity however, which means a random piece of structure isn't quite viable (even if the physics are set to "normal", they stay in fixed in place once they've settled in forge mode). Probably a barricade or vehicle will do, if it will work. The problem here is that it can fail to work.

    Possibility #2 - Kill Ball
    Probably the most reliable method, but subject to a couple of minor issues. The "core" of the kill ball cannot be phased (and it's the only actually physical part of it), so getting it into a position where it's out of sight but still able to set off the fusion coils could be difficult. The other issue is simply getting it out of sight, assuming you don't want a giant glowing ball on your map.

    This brings us back to setting off the bomb... and there might be a way to make that work. Unless I'm mistaken, planting a bomb will place it at the "centre" of the objective zone; and that zone can be changed into a variety of shapes. The bomb carrier only needs to be in a small part of that zone.

    If the problem is making the planting of the bomb too easy due to how close the bomb location has to be to the fusion coils, just make the zone bigger (while placing the "centre" at the door) and restrict the accessible parts of the zone to a more balanced location. Or something like that, I'm not sure how best to describe it.

    Another idea is that you do a variant of Possibility #1, but build the location in such a way that a falling barricade doesn't seem out of place. Place barricades (perhaps a pair side-by-side to make them look like a door) in from of the fusion coils, and have them be held in place by more permanent structure pieces (these may be despawned if necessary). You might want to place a shield wall (it doesn't have to be a one-way, but something to prevent players from simply shooting the coils; accidental or otherwise), but that can be despawned when needed.

    When the phase is complete, all the unnecessary structure and shield walls despawn; the falling barricade would then fall (possible from a great height to ensure it works), and that one should match the "doors" made from the other barricades. The fusion coils explode on impact.... and send the "doors" flying (probably outward too boot).

    Or at least that's the theory. I haven't really tried any of these, but they might work for you.
  5. Paranoia UK

    Paranoia UK Ancient
    Senior Member

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    You could have the fusion coils present for the entire game. have them spawn at the start of the game placed behind the door. put a shield door merged between them and the door just so a stray explosion doesnt set them off through the door. At the end of the phase you just need to spawn an object that will set them off. Falling object is probably the most practical.
  6. IH8YourGamerTag

    IH8YourGamerTag Forerunner

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    question- is it possible to change the "rewards" you get for capturing a hill in invasion slayer? to any object, not necessarily a weapon or vehicle
  7. HL5 I raptor

    HL5 I raptor Forerunner

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    invasion idea (is it possible?)

    while in forge i discovered that you can make vehicles into an objective or flag. if so is it possible to make a vehicle be a core replacement for the final phase of an invasion map.
    so that the attackers have t break in to steal a vehicle instead of a core all the time

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