Shtock please. It looks interesting, the text isn't spectacular but I'd need to see stock/s to see what you actually did.
Yeah, she gave me a stock which was hard to accommodate, though I thought I did well enough on it. Teh almighty stockz! It was much bigger, I can't find the original img she sent me :/ but it's exactly the same. Background: Fractal: Some gradients, blurring, sharpening, burn/dodge and a couple smudge brushes did the rest. Overall time was about 2.5 hours.
I'm assuming it's for a female of some kind. If so, the color choice is fitting along with the pinkifying of the armor. The only glaring issue I see is it looks like you over-sharpened the Elites head. The stock image is pretty smooth, but yours looks, grainy I guess is the best word I can come up with. Also, I like the wispy pink line, however the head is too pink also and the line goes on the other side of the head that the pink is over-powering on. The lighting on the chest is fitting because of it's proximity to the wispy-line, but the head, I just have issues with the head.
The blurring is somewhat unnecessary around his legs, but to each his own. I think the background is very nicely done. However, I wish you'd blend more so that the focal isn't as protruding as they consistently tend to be in your sigs. The single wispy line adds depth (because it coils in front and behind of the focal) but it's fairly simple as is. Overall, I would've layered the background more to add more depth. Also, very much dislike the text. I've been told slanted text is a no. The bevel and emboss effect is doable but I don't like it because it's too simple/cheesy.
Hmmm... I thought about what to do with the text, I didn't want to just have it in a regular horizontal position since all the background lines point diagonally towards the elite. And you don't know how hard I tried to make the elite NOT protrude, but blurring the edges didn't work at all, and smudging it to blend also didn't work. It was the hardest thing to do here because it's a conceptual drawing with no background. I also felt that since the lighting came from the upper left, I'd blur and burn the legs a bit, since his upper body and arm are above and block the "light." Since lighting had been an issue on the last 2-3 I made, I focused on lighting, colors and depth much more here. I also thought adding more lines or adding some fractal brush would not only be distracting, it would have also looked too much like the Recon Brown sig I made for someone else sometime ago. And yes, I don't know how I didn't see it, that head is a bit over-sharpened. But I already sent it to her, I can't fix it now. I waited almost 2 days for some CnC but since no one replied I just sent her the sig. She's hot btw... Spoiler