do-or-die do-or-die by: Zombified Panda UNSC TRAINING [A] FACILITY do-or-die is a two base, one way symmetrical "pit" themed map. It supports and has been tested on all objective game types listed below. Thank you to everyone who helped with their feedback and criticisms along the way! Here's a list of players who helped me with this project. Special thanks to: Spoiler (no particular order) jurisocles loubardeas22 hctf reaper casey anthonyqp yacob521 divade011 timmypanic itz electric vz cliqy dt192 psychosis687 regrets nothing davidjcobb alimoha assassing30 a haunted army deathandchicken shadowmormon godlyperfection s ie v ie ir xblood ravenx69 der flatulator6 paladin liontek gold warrior 95 iflod101 jacosion locke087 torched frog endoelite teerav11 arcanelegolad lll robocop lll fire hazard ng8 skippyboba noble nightsoul randy 355 athena assassin mythicfritz minigun2448 dps sundown michael zeke xknkyxsteve squeemaster479 leftyone415 kacemanr klutchsauce rwehavinfun oakley hidef yardbird92 ablesir thomas hwm luv gunn s2010simpson parker the blak darkangle43 khan victor darknrgsword biggie t72 kai 5555 fivedigitmidgit flame53 a tortoise organite ftl facepalm sgtrmadillo daboiboibert bobby lean xarconopher chaseky spiderman cy612 agent peeps waisted hobo mo liciou5 mrgreenwithagun sirskurge21282 newsupersniper yacob521 kittenpaste co bioraptr gnappy as5a5sin schmittler 5000 noble 00006 Michael the 2nd tsujen tote trays ShootingPillow randomduck619 fierylemons mtac killswitch show ver thoraxe 5000 theforceswithin elitemarksman12 endoelite pinkelite57 xbox live gavin a k yusi slingshot13197 everlast1599 captainwaffles9 x blade zero firedune22 endor elite bocajwoodbury04 subnovajh hardcor3 h3ro xxdutch319xx LoafSkull mea evilghost confuseflamingo ksi 3astwood arga blue ninja ksi grim1 ksi thantos imarollingstone ftg insanity matty81022 ftg supermario atl thrasher 88 screaminpassion tom motts keebler xii nightmare36070 dark crocodile doc madness axn sk8terjam pineapplerocket beguiledend apg apathy sxcbxc zanshin420 other guy1 grav3d1gga ger caligula2120 kentuckymonkey1 codereader xthe prodiigyx xsjados siffera tursiankiller I can not thank you guys enough for all the test, modify, then retest you helped me with! If i forgot anyone or misspelled your GT then send me a pm and ill add or correct it. Thank you, Thank you and Thank you! Players: 4-10 Gametypes: ASSAULT CAPTURE THE FLAG HEADHUNTER KING OF THE HILL ODDBALL SLAYER STOCKPILE TERRITORIES WOM: a - x4 DMR - 45sec - 2s.c b - x2 Needle Rifle - 45sec - 2s.c c - x2 Plasma repeater - 30sec - 0s.c d - x2 Plasma Pistol - 45sec - 0s.c e - x2 Spiker - 45sec - 2s.c f - x2 Needler - 45sec - 2s.c g - x4 Plasma Grenades - 30sec h - x2 Frag Grenade - 30sec i - x2 Shotgun - 120sec - 1s.c j - x2 Sniper Rifle - 120sec - 1s.c k - x1 Plasma Launcher - 180sec - 0s.c L - x1 Rocket Launcher - 180 sec - 1s.c Now.. lets look at some pictures DOWNLOAD
There are some very imaginative spaces in this map, I especially like what you've done with it aesthetically (the pillars are very well done). You have plenty of ways to reach the many areas of the map, which is good. I do think though, that some of of your weapon spawn times are a little on the fast side. DMRs, Needle Rifles, and your grenades are both a pretty low spawn time, where weapons like Needlers and Plasma Pistols are much higher. Maybe think about making your rifles a minute to two minute-spawn time and shortening the length on the small arms on the map. Grenades are also pretty low on spawn time. With as many of them as you have, it could be detrimental to your map seeing as they could just be spammed all game. Maybe think about shortening their spawn to decrease the potential amount of being killed by a random grenade every step in the map (take into account that in most gametypes, you spawn with grenades, so having a TON isn't really necessary). Overall, a great-looking map that, without a playthrough, I'd rate a 9/10.
This map looks absolutely fantastic! But I did notice that this map seems to have a very large LoS (Line of Site) You can break this up by putting sometype of aesthetic piece so that the combat isn't focused on basically ong range combat. Also, I would change the color of the text on this screen, I can't read any of it.
@SigSauer The reason behind the the dmr and grenade times are; if you pick up the dmr, spam it until its empty then pick up another weapon, the dmr (default 30 sec) is going to pop up immediately, so there's not really a huge difference. I just wanted if a player dies while holding the dmr or needle rifle, the moment it resets it'll spawn back at its original spot instantaneously. I hate running around large scale maps searching for a precision weapon. With the grenades, i set them up with different time's depending on their locations. For the stickies with 15 sec respond time, its at the bottom mid with risk from all directions to prevent them from staying there tossing grenades, its just a small incentive to get the player moving down below. The grenades that are at more safer spots have longer respond times. Early play test showed how powerful the Needler and Plasma Pistol are on this map due to some of its long los, so that's the reason i bumped up the respond time. @Poolio Los was always in the back of my head, i tried to accommodate as many play styles as possible, there's close quarter combat down under top mid as well as over by sword area, but there's also long los areas like near the needler and top mid for the mid to long range battles. Top mid has the best los on the map, but is vulnerable from every direction and has little cover to help balance things out. No problem, ill switch up the color of the text now.
The reason I say go lighter on the ranged weaponry is because of both the open spaces and the fact that most players start with those weapons anyway (leaving you with opportunity to replace a FEW (not MANY) of those ranged weapons with some other small arms like mags, PRs, even AAs), and so that the map doesn't have a focus on ranged combat. You want your players to be able to play any type of combat style they'd like to at any given time in a match. Again, it would probably be easier for me to actually get a feel for the map with a working disc. This is FuN Fortress of RP by the way, Zombie. I just use a different name here.
This map was a ton of fun to play, and I was really impressed with some of the aesthetics. I was meaning to ask you if you wouldnt mind me using those pillars made from platforms and walkway covers for future maps? I thought they were awesome Anyways, you did an amazing job at keeping game play balanced. Oh, and the aesthetics in the sword area were pretty neat too! Good job!
@SigSauer I could reduce the precision weapons by four and see how it plays (two needle rifles and two dmr's). I do want to keep a dmr and needle rifle at each base so that the team can make an effort to push back to mid. Yeah i know its you, i recognized your picture. Thanks for looking out. @Teerav11 No problem man, thanks for helping me test. They're all your's. @MrGreenWithAGun I'll update it now. Thanks again for helping with the spawning haole!
Hello thanks for the preview of this map, I like how you have improved it and simplified some of the walls that were causing problems. There are some nice variations in height, the pillars look great and are well placed, breaking lines of sight and looking the business, also nice round pillars & I will get on with epitaph lol
yeah thanks for your help timmy, you helped me get the frame rate back to normal and i appreciate it! lol sorry, i don't mean to hound you about epitaph, but that was the best doubles map! Timmy, you're the only one who can bring those doubles memories back to life, Please do!
this deserves more attention, i've always enjoyed playing on this map, the different height elevations and structures that break up areas while adding more to other areas is just great, though jet-pack i will admit is a bit to dominating it is still a great and fun map to play on regardless.