Hey, this is my newest track called Lonley Mountain. It's a collisiontrack. There's alot of scenery on the map like the cable car, the stonebridge or the stadium. You can play the map up to 16 people but 10-12 racers are best! Mocca [HD] !! Lonely Mountain !! by Moccabeast Halo Reach-track Collisiontrack - YouTube
you do realize how great this map looks for slayer? the two lines, the rope bridge. I dont know about gameplay but the aesthetic value for this would be (is) great. I suggert you make this into a playable (not race) map. But good race map too?
This is by far the best race map I have seen! The aesthetics are crazy good and I agree with Firedrone8 about converting this map over into a slayer map. I never d/l race maps but yours my friend I will d/l. GREAT JOB!