Ok, so this isn't my map, it's my wife's. She has been hard at work (in both forging and work!) on her first map and I think it's coming along great. Only one problem...She needs help and I don't have all the answers. I told her I'd set her up an account, but she asked me to just do this for her. So here we are: Sorry to disappoint, but now it's completed and moved to here: http://www.forgehub.com/forum/reach-competitive-maps/133971-farm.html
This actually is extremely original. This would be really cool map for invasion. You could add some cover by making a fence or something of the sort. I really can't wait to see how this turns out. Good luck!
Everything looks very nice, but it's also rather spread out. I know it's a pain moving an entire map around, but if the structures were all set up closer together, it would make gameplay so much better. Other than that, I certainly like the map, it reminds me a bit of my Awesome Town from Halo 3.
Thanks for the fence idea. We were both torn between just using natural cover (rocks) or adding more structures, but I think the fence would make a great addition. [br][/br]Edited by merge: I'll run the idea by her. I dont think she'll be too happy about that one! But I thought the same thing as well. Also, if this map goes accordingly, it should be equipped with 2 scorpions! Crazy and is a long shot, but we'll see where her creative mind goes.
I love this and I had this idea like a month ago but didn't do a thing about it, so bravo to your wife for getting this idea out there. I envisioned a tractor too. Use non-working teleporter pads for the front wheels and capture plates for the rear wheels. I think that would add a nifty ascetic to this. Maybe google "farm equipment" and try to get ideas from the pictures for equipment you could forge to fill in the open areas and give it more cover. Great work!
When I was looking at this it reminded me of farm town, can still hear the music going... Seriously though this looks good, some nice structures, a few fences would help break lines, maybe try to forge a wheel barrow, a tractor or other farm related items as cover. This looks like it would be good in territories, headhunter and oddball, but more cover between the structures would be useful.
This honestly looks fantastic so far, simple and original but I can tell some of it has been tough to forge and its nice to see her very dedicated to it. With a few more things to break up sight lines, doesnt have to be a tractor or such just another building for covers. Perhaps adding a small barn thats raised similiar to the small bridge building on crossing the creek on overlook, thats used for storing supplies, and a power weapon. Making it taller and capable of having warthogs at the least travel underneath. Of course dress it up and make it a point of interest(power weapon or turret) with a mongoose parked underneath the structure, a crate for a small amount of cover would also go a long way. Im happy to see a idea like this and would like to see it go a long way, if you need testers or design help hit me up GT: SilentRaine, im normally around during the weekend more than weekdays lately .
I'm too tired to post pics right now, so I'll just give a brief update to what she has done so far. The smaller barn has been moved, the silo has been moved (with a beta teleporter to the top), the farm house has been moved. The big barn, the church, and the small storage shed (next to the church) are all in the same place. And the small shed that was behind the farmhouse has been deleted. Fences are in place (she may add more, but with 10 hours at work on top of forging and family time, it's KO time!) She's still not sure about the middle of the map just yet. And we've discussed some of the aesthetics that have been mentioned (like the tractor and whatnot) and I think that probably wont happen. Currently in the proccess of the bridge idea actually! How did you know? Great minds? I'll keep you posted and should have some pics up later today (at a reasonable hour) of the minor, but nice changes to the map. Still no spawn points or weapons, ect. But there are however 4 hogs and 4 geese for messing around. They're hear to stay, just not in the position they're in. I'll also have an updated link as well. Thank you everyone for your great advice. My wife really appreciates it. [br][/br]Edited by merge: In this pic you can see the obvious changes (the fence being added) But what you may over look is the Farmhouse being moved towards the hill and closer to the big barn. The silo has been moved closer to the smaller barn as well as the small barn being moved in towards the big barn. The distance travel between the structures has taken a nice cut, especially for infantry. The fence is high enough to provide cover from hog fire as well as pot shots from across the map. The silo, you can see the room where the test teleporter has been added. The reason I say test is because she's not sure how it's going to play until the map is play test ready. But for now it stays and takes you to the top of the silo. The church/stoage shed have not moved. The reason being is that they're where she wants them. A fence has been added to the church. A spire has been added towards the end of the map (top of the pic) and the boundary rocks have been moved closer. [br][/br]Edited by merge: This map is in it's final stages and will be released after some play testing. So far it supports All bomb and flag types as well as team slayer. It even has a race track built in! Jennifer sure put her time into this that's for sure. I have some new pics: A windmill has been added to the side of the church to get rid of that empty spot. It doesn't work, but adds a nice touch to the farm. A green house has been added between the storage shed and the cave. The church had some minor cosmetic surgery to make the roof/bell tower accessible. The big barn also has a way to the top. As well as some items. I know the barn is red, but this is blue base of operations for gameplay. It just made sense that way for one sided objectives. The church also redecorated, providing the needed cover as well as a nice place for red team to take a break. A destroyed canal runs down the middle of the map. Provides a nice way to break of the lines as well as a fun area to drive through during a race. A rocky area between the church and canal to provide cover in the unclaimed/uncleared land. To keep that country feel to the map without over doing the rocks and taking away from the farm, turning it into a mountainous town instead. She did her best to avoid that. Well, this is the finished project (map wise). There are other gametypes (including the original this was made for) that she still wants to add. But the map as a whole is what she wants. I'll have a link this time if anyone wants to check it out (race on it while the rest is under development) and give any ideas. Thank you every who has helped us out on this. It's still in testing stages, so hang in there! Link: Bungie.net : Halo Reach : File Details
Boys I think we found a natural, excellent work for a first try. I like the way that your wife has found different solutions to the problems in the early build of the map, the advise was taken on well. I was just going to say that it would make for a good natural terrain race map but you've already done it. Might make for a good rocket race map too, and maybe snipers. I think the windmill might look better with something like some 1x2 incline pieces arranged circularly, a hard forge for sure but might be worth it. I think you can snipe grenades to blow them, maybe you could have some on the fence to shoot for practice like cowboys shooting glass bottles off the fence, or traffic cones (make sure physics are on normal). Good luck Edit: just had another look, I think the church should have an upper level inside like the barn and it should connect to the tower which of course would make an excellent sniper perch, don't give the sniper too much cover though or he could dominate the map. The grav lift to the tower could remain there as an anti camping measure, see high ground in H3 for the same sort of idea.
The biggest problem she's having now is that with weapon/spawn/cover/objective and all that she still has like $500 and it wont let her spawn anything. Is there a memory limit and not just a budget? I've had the same problem with my maps, but never really cared to look into it. But now it's a real question! =]