Strange Cave Video (courtesy of MyForgings) My Forgings: Halo: Reach: Strange Cave - YouTube A Strange Project Strange Cave had humble origins as simply one of my projects around a few simple goals. I wanted to make 3 entirely unique maps that any fool could instantly play on and have each be balanced, and both gamely and visually Unique. This map took the scene of the Cave in Forgeworld- a place devoid of many maps and far less well made ones. I believe I have gotten a map here that crosses into that category of the few well made cave maps. The map progressed well, and with nothing but a spontaneous idea I managed to create a unique and fun place to kill your friends. I tested this map many times, and with the help of the Testers Guild I found a few issues with the original design and weapon set and in the more recent plays, there was nothing but insane, 2v2 fun to be had. The other Geminus projects This map is part of a series (Geminus series), links to the maps are below. Strange Cave | Achromatic | Final Elegy Weapons 2 Needle Rifles (1 clip) 6 DMRs (1 clip) 2 Plasma Rifles 2 Plasma Pistols 1 Sniper Rifle (0 clip) 2 Concussion Rifles (0clip) Images Special thanks to all of my testers, and to Confused Flamingo who I bothered to get a TG write-up. And who comically accepted 2 other requests I had... anyway thank you so, so much to everyone who was a part of helping me get this out and I hope you all enjoy! Strange Cave
This is a very fun and original map. The cave location is rarely used (and even more rarely used well), and you've integrated the map very nicely into the space. Probably the only thing I don't care for about the map is the name; to me the name is kind of unoriginal, which is very unrepresentative of the map itself. I look forward to playing the finished version.
y u dis tha name? I kid, I kid. I agree, the name isnt anything meticulous or amazing, but it gets the point across. This cave is a strange beast and somehow I have found a way to make it fun to play on. I appreciate all the testing you did to help make the map what it is today, and Im glad you had fun! That is after all what this is all about!
Wow, if you just posted this today, then I was involved in it's final test I suppose! Could that be me in those photos? It brilliant- we did a 2v2 and it was the perfect size for that. the spawning was 'dynamic' so that you spawned with your buddy/ in a useful place for him, and therefore also alleviated spawn-camping. Weapons are in fine spots, lifts work fine too. It's nice to see someone made a good-looking and functional map in the cave. Good stuff, it's already on my HDD! And DERP! the name owns.
Ah, I remember playing this with Flam, Chron, and EQNox. Strange cave is a fun map to play on, which is remarkable for being in this dreaded cave. This was one of my favorite maps of the night. Why? It was well thought out, had immersion, it was balanced and looked great. I look forward to playing this again with you, along with the other maps in the series.
Yes, you are in the pictures! And thank you so very much for the comment! I love that you had fun on the map! I too would like to see more strong maps in the cave, and this was my inspiration for Strange Cave. Thanks again for the testing and comment! Thank you for helping test this map and provide assistance in the feedback, I am just happy you all enjoyed it! As for the other maps in the series, one was edited today and might be the next to get a release. The other two are being stubborn. very stubborn. Don't expect those any time soon. Lots of issues. I love you. _-_-_-_-_-_-_-_ Thanks to all of you who helped in the process of testing again, without your support this map would not have been what it is now.
Once again an incredible map by Audience, with eye catching aesthetics and balanced gameplay, this map is truly one of my favorites. I've always adored your forging style, at first when I was forging around with you on Elegy, I was absolutely amazed at the sight of the epic map, thats right Audience keep them coming.
Thank you Sinless! I have updated the OP with this video (below and on the OP for convenience) and There are now official release dates for my other 2 maps in the series, which are shown on the OP and my signature. Thanks again to everyone who was involved in testing and to MyForgings for the continued support with videos! My Forgings: Halo: Reach: Strange Cave - YouTube
you, my friend, have an amazing understanding of what looks good. This is appealing from almost every aspect, and the gameplay looks exciting.
This looks very nice. The location is one that not many "Good" maps are in. It seems very cleanly forged and the aesthetics are nice as well. I feel jealous that i never get in the testing part of such great maps. kudos on a job well done.
I didnt expect to see this on the front page again, this is a nice surprise. I am happy to see that you both like Strange Cave, Its one of my personal favorites I have made. I would like to hear what you both thought of the gameplay, and I appreciate your praise on the usage of the cave and the design.