Remake Understone

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by Lukr4sh, Oct 19, 2011.

  1. Lukr4sh

    Lukr4sh Forerunner
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    This is a remake of "subterrane", forged by Rogue & Blaze. When i see their map i loved it. The atmosphere, the details. It's too beautiful to look. But, it was a remake of a quake map, and the halo gameplay is not as quake. Imho, the spaces are too open, so in game there is too confusion and little tactic. Also there aren't the sniper location.
    So, i have rebuild the map, adapting her for the halo gameplay. I've closed some space, opened others items, add a sniper location (the cave), and a bunker in opposite side.

    imho the gameplay is very good, but are accepted opinions! i hope you like it.









  2. Corpse21

    Corpse21 Forerunner

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    Hello, Ive already downloaded it and taken a run-through and I really like this, I thought the exact same thing you commented on, on the other version that its to wide open for my tastes and needed to to be taken "down" to fit more with reach, but great job!.
  3. Lukr4sh

    Lukr4sh Forerunner
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  4. AceOfSpades

    AceOfSpades Talented
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Did you get permission from Blaze and/or Rogue before doing this? Also, in my opinion, this looks a lot worse than Subterrane... not only aesthetically but layout and gameplay-wise as well. If you wanted to make a similar design that you think would cater more towards Halo gameplay, you really should have built your own map instead of building off of someone else's.
  5. Lukr4sh

    Lukr4sh Forerunner
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    Yes of course. I've posted my job in "subterrane" topic. They like this job and permitted me to rename it, with reference to the original map. for this reason i've decide to publish my job, because they like it. read the topic..

    For the question of remake.. in forge aren't only original job, there are remake also. If you don't like the map ok, but it's other question..
  6. AceOfSpades

    AceOfSpades Talented
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    If I understood you correctly, I'll explain further that you shouldn't have built your map using Subterrane as your canvas, but rather, a blank Forge World. You could've created a map that had the same layout as you have here, but it wouldn't have looked "tacked on" to Subterrane.
  7. Lukr4sh

    Lukr4sh Forerunner
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    was not my intention to copy the other jobs. My intention was sharing a better version of that map, and with its canvas would have been better. A black forge world wouldn't have been because that map is beautiful just for its canvas, otherwise it was overmuch simple map.

    however, if the author don't won't the pubblishing of this job, they would say me.. i asked before..evidently is not a problem for their..they authorize me for publish it so as..

    I always ask to the author before a publishing.
  8. Speechee6

    Speechee6 Forerunner

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    Not to be a douche but theirs is way better. Yours seems a bit messy.
  9. AceOfSpades

    AceOfSpades Talented
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    You don't get what I'm trying to get across to you. Even if they said it was ok, it's obvious that what you made is just "tacked on" to Subterrane and the quality of your map is lowered by that. If you had made the design of Understone from scratch, it would've been a much stronger final product on your part.
  10. Silentraine

    Silentraine Forerunner

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    I think he just wanted to kind of add to some of what the original offered, without starting completely from scratch just to add his own idea of what the map could become with the focus being on halo's gameplay. And maybe with a little support and attention he will design it on a blank forge world in time, just seems that he is newer to forging in general and maybe is getting the hang of how pieces and designing fits together.

    As far as the map its not bad, I do prefer the original just for the fact it seems more pleasing to the eyes and some of the added areas still dont feel like what your going for. But I think this is mostly because you didnt delete some parts and rebuild them in a way that everything would fit together better and not have any z fighting or issues either. Keep trying to work out what your wanting to build and in time do go back and create it on a blank forge world canvas and show us what you have come up with :).
  11. Blaze

    Blaze Sustain Designer
    Forge Critic Creative Force Senior Member

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    Don't flame, don't flame. he was only trying to help us make a map better suiting other players like himself. I allowed him to post this. It's no bother to me and he's not hurting anything. :) This way it can grab a few others attention that didn't like all of the map rouge and I made. :)

    Let play this sometime man. Good job on making this map a different style.
  12. Zigywig

    Zigywig Forerunner

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    ^I agree completely. All he was trying to do was turn a Quake-style map into a Halo-style map. Also, if he didn't have permission (which he did), then it would not be okay to post it. Common sense.

    As for the map itself, that round bunker looks iffy to me but otherwise not bad.

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