
Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by Corpse21, Oct 17, 2011.

  1. Corpse21

    Corpse21 Forerunner

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    "Without flood Confinement areas the halo's might never have been created"

    Hello all, Its me again I haven't really posted anything in awhile (don't know how long exactly) but that's because Ive been busy building, testing and fine tuning this little beauty. Her names Confinement as you can tell and the story is pretty straight forward. She's the "Secret" that's under my first map "Excavation". Anyways, Confinement is a small symmetrical map with varying heights that works best for 2v2 but Ive been able to play 4v4 on it, it really is a load of fun with 4v4, chaotic yes, but fun.
    This map has gone through many different changes since the "Alpha" build, allot of aesthetics have been changed/added, weapon spawns altered and removed all to fine tune the gameplay.

    DMR x2
    Needle Rifle x2
    Plasma Pistol x2
    Spiker x2
    Plasma Rifle x2
    Energy Sword x1
    Shotgun x1
    Grenade Launcher x1
    Needler x1

    Plasma Grenade x2
    Frag Grenade x2

    Health station x4

    The weapon sets might seem a bit small, but it really works perfect for this map, the original version all he way up to the beta had 2 sniper rifles and they really turned out to be useless because of the size and build of the map, so they were removed with no real negative impact on gameplay

    Heres some pics!

    Red base:

    Blue Base:

    Orange side:

    The Tunnel connecting Orange side to Green side:

    Red Side Overview, Blue side is exactly the same:

    The Middle where the sword spawn/choke point is:

    And one of the Loadout cameras on one of the sides:

    Please, Download, Comment, play and enjoy. This really is my best work yet, Combining alot of different elements ive learned through my works so far into one nice little package, Enjoy! thanks. :)

    Edited by merge:

    No One has anything to say about my map? Id really appreciate any review at all be it good or bad lol
    #1 Corpse21, Oct 17, 2011
    Last edited: Oct 17, 2011
  2. JDiggin

    JDiggin Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Hey, haven't had a chance to see the map yet, but I will run through it either later tonight or tomorrow after work. Looks pretty sweet though. A friend and I have just finished a 2v2 map of our own (not posted yet), so I am excited to see this one. We too removed the sniper because of the size of the map.

    As far as the weapon set, seems perfect to me. Haven't played on the map yet so I can't say for sure, but I think it looks good.

    I'll post a review when I run through it.
  3. Corpse21

    Corpse21 Forerunner

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    Thanks, Really cant wait for your review after you've tested it, and you showed me that map yesterday, its really cool got a whole different feel to it then any other forge map ive ever seen.
  4. PhantomStrike

    PhantomStrike Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Good looks but and the desigs and elements used do give off a true halo map feel but much too much of that effect used by many of a small arena. I highly dislike arena maps due to bordem issues over time because gameplay ain't everything. Aw well the map does have some good effects and actually the name Confinement has been sitting in the back of a file on my laptop dubbed Halo Map Names for the last 3 months but I never got to it so congrates for beating me to it, also I suggest you try to fix your description to suit the map as the crates don't match the story relation very well since its flood why would the UNSC store supplies there? Oh well, good job and happy hunting!
  5. Corpse21

    Corpse21 Forerunner

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    Hello Phantomstrike and thanks for the review you gave, I can agree with many points that you have made, especially about the "Arena" maps Yes they can get boring but at least to me they are the most fun, I will probably never build a map that doesn't at least in some way follow a "Arena" guideline because I believe it makes the best game play and takes it down to what Halo really is to me a Red vs. Blue bloodbath and Arena style maps really force battle and force movement as well, I'm not criticizing your views I'm just saying what I like to build and explaining it a bit more, as for the storyline of the map, I thought some people might point that out, but let me clarify, this is a flood confinement facility that humans had discovered and tried to control as a power point (if that makes any sense) so that's how I explain the UNSC crates. But overall thanks for the evaluation.
  6. PhantomStrike

    PhantomStrike Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Ok good point and really though this map does feel somewhat bland if I were you I would add some effects and asthetics like rocks with a sort of Flood effect as if they were still there, I have no idea how you would do that with Special FX or lights but its a suggestion. That's about it, and one final note. I like maps with stories not like most maps found on match making where everything is just some random room and a bunchof platforms set up meaninglessly and I give it to you for attempting a background story, good work!
  7. Corpse21

    Corpse21 Forerunner

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    See, I had that same idea as you phantom, to add rocks and possibly some FX to make it fit more into the flood storyline but right before I took this map out of beta I removed the rocks because I felt that they were to I guess childish for my tastes at least, now I could always go back and play around with the idea again and see if I could come up with something I like, as for FX all the way up to the beta version, the bases had lights but I scraped them at the beta stage because I always worry about frame-rate issues in the final product, as for FX im not the biggest fan of those, but I could maybe work some lights somewhere to get a "Darker" feel as long as it wouldnt make any FRL issues.
  8. PhantomStrike

    PhantomStrike Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Now lets not get ahead of ourselves you say your not a fan of FX thats ok, you have several options to work with:
    - you take your map and keep it the way it is
    - you add the rocks or fx or both and keep the post
    -or you can do what Longshot did with his maps like mineral and ark which you seperate two versions of the map one with FX and what ever else and the normal arena version, in the same post with two different links.

    This map is your choice to play with, rememeber that.
  9. Corpse21

    Corpse21 Forerunner

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    Once again I agree with you, I'm beggining work on a more "aesthetic" version of the map with the rocks for flood biomas and some fx but its going to be awhile before I finish it because I don't want FRL and suck being caused and I want it to be incorporated into the map but not hinder or alter gameplay alot from what it is now, thanks for the advice though :)
  10. Landderp

    Landderp Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    I have personally seen and played on this map and i can say this much: Fx wouldn't improve anything. Rocks would just be in the way. The way it is works just fine. Kudos on the map Corpse
  11. Nick Taber

    Nick Taber Forerunner

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    Looks good man, you got this guys download.
  12. Corpse21

    Corpse21 Forerunner

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    Thanks Lannders and thanks Nick good reviews are always appriciated, but so are bad, as long as there constructive, I know this map looks kind of bland from the pics but it really is a labor of love, I put alot of time into it getting it perfect for the gameplay that I want, I had you on the map like 5 time Lannders just for one question each time lol
  13. JDiggin

    JDiggin Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Yeah, this map is perfect the way it is. I would say it's about the size of Enclosed or Synapse, so 4v4's work well. There are a few areas that provide quick escape routes, some of which may be hidden. I think that adds to the flow of the gameplay, allows you to be more unpredictable.

    All in all, the developer did a nice job.

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