Welcome to the unbalanced maps thread, if you are reading this, you must be terribly bored or just simply curious. For all you bored people reading this just press the top left arrow of your computer screen. Okay now to the point, I've been seeing a bunch of unbalanced maps (which have way more views than my maps because they are simply retarded and attract hordes of little 5 year olds) lately and decided to show how unbalanced they can be. Splatter Monkey -Humans can just stand on the platform and snipe the zombies -to prove my point^ heres a link to my video: Click Cops N robbers -The cop can just slaughter the prisoners without even lifting a finger,just his right trigger. -Theres only one way to kill the cop, assassinating him -Theres only one way out of the cell room, where the cop spawns. Fat kid - Theres a good chance that the alpha zombie can be afk, if that happens, the game doesn't go on until he/she gets booted -The alpha zombie is slow as ****, even if the slowness of the zombie isn't bad enough, the humans can just slow him/her even more with a concussion rifle -It's too easy to kill the zombie minions, just by a headshot, and theres a lot of dmrs in a single fat kid map Assassins Creed -The assassins can just hide somewhere, same goes for Ghostbusters Hemorahage -Whoever gets the sniper can just pwn everybody, furthermore the trees can also host a sniper camper. -TOO DAMN OPEN, REMOVE THE DAMN MAP FROM MATCHMAKING BUNGIE OR JUST ADD SOME MOAR FUGGIN COVER -Personally I DESPISE this map Thanks for reading, submit your comments. Peace Out.
Yet another example of someone raging because nobody commented on their map. By the way, we have a whole subforum for this.
Those first four maps are meant to be played in extremely casual lobbies and/or with honor rules. The fun in Cops N' Robbers comes from the fact that the officer can kill you so easily, forcing you to bend to his whim or risk sitting in the respawn screen indefinitely. As for Hemorrhage--IIRC--there was a community outcry for the map to be remade in Halo 3, despite Bungie insisting that the Sniper and BR would be overpowered. It really isn't much more threatening than the DMR is in that situation, which everyone spawns with. It's a map meant for vehicular battle.
The first 4 maps you listed are just fun, casual games you play when you have like 16 people trying to pass time. They're meant to have honor rules. So what if a 5 year old once gets to be a cop? Who cares? If it's really that big a deal, set it so only your friends can join and or just boot people you don't like. And for Hemorrhage, you're probably just mad because you got booted for betraying for the sniper or wraith.
Yeah, no.... If you have some helpful feedback on these maps, post it in the respective thread. This thread serves no purpose, locked.