Hey A DIRTY HOBO 59 here again with a map created by me and co created by my friend domanater. It was inspired by a map in halo 3 and it turned out even better then we expected! There are multiple buildings in Left 4 Dead that you can hide in with your friends and close the doors to ensure maximum safety. I hope you will enjoy this map as much as we do and if you dont mind take a look at some pictures down below. And that concludes this map we hope you all like it and please comment below telling us what you think!
This map looks decent, but definately lacking in aesthetics and detail. Your pictures show no perspective from the inside of the buildings, and you really need to come up with a name, not just steal another game's.
From the pictures, I can tell this game will have poor game play. All the pictures show buildings with one doors. That tips the scale in the humans favor by a lot by encouraging camping. That is a common mistake and I recommend you try and fix that problem by adding multiple entrances to buildings. I myself haven't tried the map yet, but I'm downloading it to see how the weapons are placed. For now, I rate this a 2/5... By the way, you can't expect people to love playing a map if aesthetics are not taken into consideration. As is the other way around. You have to try and balance the two aspects out to get the benefits of both. If you really did MAX out your budget, then either you've got some really bad item placement/management or you've put down loads to much weapons on the map. I'm assuming there are no vehicles, since this is a very enclosed map. Also what zombie game type were you designing this around?
Ok first of all, three of the buildings have two entrances and and the rest only have one but ive played this enough to know ity works out fine and the zombies end up getting in the houses easy with some team work. Second as far as asthetics go what do you really mean its a small town thats under attack by zombies and in my opinion thats what it looks like. And third its alpha zombie and before you give our map a terrible rating id appreciate it if you would atleast play it first!
I (and probably a lot of people) would be happy if you weren't so arrogant towards other people. Anyway, Splatterman is right. The aesthetics are a little bit shabby. I realise that you may have budget problems but aesthetics are something that should be looked at. Coming towards the remake side, it isn't really a remake. It's more of a reimagining of the Halo 3 Customs classic. But thats not meant to say that it won't be any good. I may not have downloaded it yet but i can tell whether or not an infection map will be good on the gameplay side from the pictures. It looks like the gameplay would probably be similar to the original.
Ok im not trying to sound arrogant im defending a map that my friend and i spent hours of work on and then people come to the thread and completly trash it without even giving it a chance. I cant make any more asthetics so please stop talking about them and dont tell me that you wouldnt be a little ticked off if you spent so long making a map just so people could talk about it in only negative ways! I dont want to seem arrogant or like i cant take criticism but it's just hard when all i see is negativity.
I do get ticked off when that happens but its all part of the process. Making a map the best it can be takes more than a couple of hours. It can take a month! And its not criticism, its feedback. Suggestions to help improve your map not disparige it.
I get really pissed when people try to take feedback and see it as negativity. Feedback is feedback, end of story. Going onto the map, it dosen't look the greatest. I understand you made it so it is a small town, but it just looks like small blocks put all around the map. Decorate it a little bit, or maybe look at other infection maps and see how they are made. Also, it does not matter if only one building has one entrance. Everybody in the game will just hunker down there and it will not be fun for the zombies at all. One more thing: don't expect anybody to DL your map if you are going to act like an a-hole. Just trying to help. Edit: I don't think a-hole is the right word but you see what I mean.
I think everybody else has pretty much said add a door to every house and add aesthetics, but nobody has given an example. I think that adding roads, street signs/lamps, fake buildings, apocalyptic scenes like crashed stuff, and what ever else you think your map needs to stand out more, you should add. And looking at the pictures, you put capture plates in the door ways. This makes it very hard for the zombies to brake in and for the humans to shoot the zombies when they are braking in. I hope this helps. Ps. If you have no budget left I suggest looking at some other people's maps to see how they used their budget. Pps. You can find many maps like this cause there is a lot and that's why you need to make your map stand out.
Thanks for your feedback much appreciated . And the capture plates are there to keep the crates from moving to much when you close it. Ps. I dont know if im misunderstanding you but you can walk through capture plates if thats your concern.
I think the map looks pretty good, but you should add a street going through the map, it would make it look alot more like a town. I'll dl and try it out.
I dont quite understand why this is called either Left 4 Dead or a Remake, as it clearly is neither. It is a urban style infection map, and it does pull that feeling off well. There are a few suggestions that I have, and I expect you have already heard some, if not all, but here they are anyway. You said 3 buildings have 2 accesses and the rest have one. This is awful. You need at least 2 in each, and I would suggest maybe a few buildings to have a roof access that a zombie might reach using crates added outside the building. Correct me if Im wrong, but the Infected have a slightly higher jump height, you can use this to your advantage so that humans cannot get on the roof and the infected can. If the humans are able to get on the roof they could easily camp and that would be bad. As a side note the capture plates just look awful and I dont really see much purpose. I saw you said they were for keeping the crate in place, but I dont really feel like that would be needed... Moving to aesthetics- they are not bad. I read a few complaints people had, and I dont see why they (the ones who did say this) are so concerned about them. They certainly are not great, but they are not unsightly and do the job well. Not knowing what you were going for I would guess infection (due to the FX) and that it was going for an urban look due to teh buildings. However you say that you cant do any more- I think that's a bunch of dumpster trash (pardon my language). You can absolutely do more- it looks like you used mainly blocks and walls, all of which are at the low price of 10 forge dollars. You could use Brace-Larges to make streets, the grass there as a garden or lawn, maybe make some lamps using antennae (smalls) and a white light. That being said I can see you considered aesthetics in some buildings, such as the rooftops of some. I must say it appears (I havent played this) that there would be a poor orientation. There really isnt much of any defining feature of any building so that you know where you are if you have never or very litle played on this map. Know that I am just observing and havent played here, but I do understand some of what makes a good infection map- at least the basics. If nothing else consider what we have all said, and implement some changes to help the map. As it is I dont expect much fun to be had here. The buildings with only one entrance would absolutely ruin the whole experience. What fun is it for a zombie to run in a room only to be shot and killed, then do it all over again until the survivor runs out of ammo? Also, dont be so proud- we are trying to help you. Just because some of us havent downloaded and played this doesnt mean we dont know what we are talking about. But take this for what you will, and good luck in the future. holy crap I just typed a lot =P