Good to be back in the place known as forge hub. I'm bringing you guys my first double wide, and on a perfect run, it is a short track. You start off inside the belly of the injured scarab. Then, you go out up the ramp, and then around the turn with the teleporters. Next, you go up the tall ramp, which has a man cannon for a boost if you hit it, and then around the banked turn and across a jump of roughly 150 feet. You lastly hit your final turn and go back inside the scarab. This one has a mongoose for scale. This map took roughly 20 hours of play time to complete, and I think it shows it. Don't forget to find the hidden energy sword. P.S. this map is also battle tracks compatible.
The main problem with your maps is that they're pretty boring, you need to work on freehanding, these types of maps aren't very fun to play. If you want my rating: Fun: 4/10 Skill to make: 2/10 Originality: 2/10 Functionality: 9/10
Yeah, I know what you mean. I was free handing this map, and then someone joined. It also was originally a roller coaster aswell and I may go back and finish the roller coaster although there are very few pieces left to work with.