Best Covenant Cruiser??

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by oOMr BecksOo, Oct 16, 2011.

  1. oOMr BecksOo

    oOMr BecksOo Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Hello Forgehubbers

    I have been looking at Ship design based maps for some time now, and I have seen many UNSC based designs but I have seen very little Covenant based designs?

    What I am wondering is what is the best one that has been posted on here?

    My personal favourite is the Inheritance. Because of its Playability.

    But I was hoping that you as a community could perhaps show me different covenant ships?

    If you have a favourite covenant ship map then please could you paste a link to the post and tell me why you like it?

    I look forward to reading any reply's! thank you.

    Kind Regards
  2. Stevo

    Stevo Drunken Bantersaurus Rex
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Visually, from an external perspective: CCS Silent Barbarian, without a doubt.

    I just hoped the interior would look a little more like a covenant ship interior (I.e. odd angles, maze like corridors and then large rooms) however, I'd imagine his budget wasn't very forgiving at the time of forging.
  3. pyro

    pyro The Joker
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  4. oOMr BecksOo

    oOMr BecksOo Forerunner
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    Yeah this has major visually perspective, and I am Glad you brought this to attention, he has created great curvature but I fear that the rest of the ship feels flat? or is this me? As for Interior I would say it isn't as pleasing but nevertheless it looks good! And yeah Budget is a major issue! with this projects! Thanks for the post! Helps a lot!

    This too is a great map, I was waiting for someone to bring this up! Rifte and Corndog did a great job here but as a follow up from Corndogs previous Map Inheritance I felt a little disappointed to that it wasn't as good looking or as curvy as the last! but nevertheless a astounding piece of forging. But I would most certainly agree with you about how well it plays, thanks also for the post! Helps A lot!
  5. Silentraine

    Silentraine Forerunner

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    In my experience, you normally just end up with the budget issues kicking you in the face when it comes to designing covenant ships, the hull alone takes so much time and effort to look correct. And just by introducing the curves and design in general of most covenant vessels really ends up destroying the potential the inside has. While unbroken sovereignty has a functional inside it doesnt appear anything like say Truth and Reconcilation's interior its like you said very open and flat, and very small.

    To be honest im not sure its possible to make a fully viewed and functional covenant vessel on reach :(. I tried several times but the budget overall was a burden, so I decided to start work on just recreating the interior alone. Ive been trying to bring back some of that feel that running through the corridors of Truth and Reconcilation gave and creating a invasion map all the same just using different areas of conflict and a teleportation device similiar to Spire instead of the gravity lift.
  6. timmypanic

    timmypanic Forerunner
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    I totally agree, it is so difficult to make things look right inside and out. ships usually require long pieces to forge, and for some reason the longest pieces have large parts that stick out or a number of lights spoiling framerate. In my opinion silent barbarian is the best map aesthetically... A great achievements to have a great looking ship, with a large inside and decent framerate. I am also working on a ship that hasn't been forged many times, although as I detail things more , framerate gets worse which is off putting.
  7. Stevo

    Stevo Drunken Bantersaurus Rex
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I think if a person made the illusion of a covenant cruiser from below, but did not confine the interior to a ship form, then they'd succeed a lot better. The only thing you'd need to be cautious of is building too high that players could see the items above the ship. Either way, I think the interior design should be based heavily off Truth and Reconcilliation from Halo CE.
  8. Silentraine

    Silentraine Forerunner

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    I agree with you both, one of my favorite pieces to forge with has always been the large brace since it was introduced in reach's forge. However I hate the large piece at the end that seems to become a eyesore if not hidden correctly, and as timmy has said this usually ends up becoming a huge task to preserve both looks and framerate depending on what pieces you want to use.
    I would assume this is why we see more UNSC ship designs that normally do have a functional inside and take most of there design influence from Pillar of Autumn and Cairo station for the most part. And I agree with you as well stevo perhaps the real goal should be to design the bottom of a covenant vessel perfectly while hiding most of the top of it and including a very playable interior something that could definately be accomplished.

    Truthfully I hope they expand on forge more soon, or atleast by the time Halo 4 comes around increase the budget and add a piece similiar to the large brace that doesnt have the huge end piece in the way of a cleaner forge. Also I hope for more round pieces that are more natural than what we have at the moment.

    Edited by merge:

    Why not come up with a rough idea and design becks? After seeing your previous work on UNSC Savannah and how great it actually turned out I believe you could give us a great covenant styled map. I myself would be interested in pitching in and helping out with the design and where to go with it, I'm sure many others would be as well since this is one thing we lack so far on reach :).
    #8 Silentraine, Oct 19, 2011
    Last edited: Oct 19, 2011
  9. oOMr BecksOo

    oOMr BecksOo Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Hey guys sorry have been busy all week college and what not! thanks for all the fantastic feedback, views and idea's. I agree with a lot of the statements made about the budget but I think I have found away around it and get a decent shape and interior. I had previously many months ago started a covie project and got frustrated but now I have looked at alternative ways of designing it! and I agree the brace large is an amazing piece! I started to build my old project out of them, perhaps I will post what I started to do! But I have since started a new design saving on budget thus far but giving a higher quality shape. I am still looking for peoples idea etc, also If any of you are interested in this I need as many pictures of the CAC, (Covenant Assault Carrier) as possible I have a fair few but really want some more interior ideas or pictures please feel free to post and I will try and complete the project this time around, and thanks silent for the positive response about my previous projects which I have a second UNSC Savannah to release but I'm still not satisfied with it, I will how ever post all previous Pictures and ideas that I had planned from my old project please keep the feedback coming and hopefully I will be able to create something worth while, Oh and Timmy I saw your map great curves really good job on ship.
  10. Silentraine

    Silentraine Forerunner

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    Your very welcome becks :), I myself have several projects lined up that I have yet to be satisfied with mostly dealing with the clean look of them, one thing I think I go overboard on sometimes :). And I agree its hard at times to push on with some project's, some we get attached to others we just cant seem to get a handle on,. And id be glad to gather up some good interior and exterior pictures, Halo Legacy DVD has some the best designs I've seen for both. I think you could also look at Corvette and Long Night of Solace as some inspiration, both ship designs have alot of similarity's, I'd say the CAC or CCS's major difference from a Corvette is just the size in general.

    CCS seem to have alot of vertical height variation within their interior that seperates them from other covenant vessel designs, also High Charity from both halo 2 and 3 but mostly 3(ignore the flood infestation) has alot of simple ideas you could add into the interior. And that'd be great to see what idea's your coming up with, and if you do need some design help or having a hard time deciding what pieces would make a certain structure I'm always around :).
  11. Reign

    Reign Forerunner

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  12. oOMr BecksOo

    oOMr BecksOo Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Hey thanks guys again for the feedback! yeah I have finally started and its taken a little shape nothing major though tbh, nothing worth posting as of yet, When the time comes to it I will create a new thread for a map preview when it looks more like a ship I am currently working on what I would class as the top layer and the front trying to get a good shape, but the way the front is design is giving me a real headache so to speak as to get it as accurate as possible, as not only is it round the curves are all different and then the underneath is a pain to do too, this will be coming along slowly as a project looking around the X-Mas period before I consider a release if that I can tell you however that it is about 100 Units long and about 60 Units in width if I remember rightly so its one big ship and I still have around 9200 budget with a top base in place so its going go so far but really need some ideas on how to build this front then I will be set as I already have planning for the interior design. Thanks Reign for the fantastic pictures they are a huge help and have given me even more perspective of the way the ship is shaped I will post a progress picture if anyone really wants to see what I have done so far.

    Mind you I have a minor set back as I won't be able to get on my 360 as I am going to my girlfriends for a few days so I won't be starting designing till Saturday but it will give me plenty of time to work things out and maybe get some hand drawn images done.

    Carry on guys with the great feedback I really appreciate the effort and support you guys are giving me it really does help knowing people want to see this being done and gives me more inspiration to finish it!

    Kind Regards
    ~ Becks
  13. Silentraine

    Silentraine Forerunner

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    Hey bud :) glad to hear its coming along pretty well so far, I'm glad the feedback was able to inspire you to work on a really great project like this. The curve underneath the front of the ship is what I think your referring to giving you problems? If so this is a area I also had a issue with while playing around trying to design one myself, I ended up using ramps to design the fin, and a assortment of large braces and blocks together to design the round front meeting the fin, it takes more pieces than I usually like to use on a aesthetic piece but it does work. Timmy also showed you can easily use circuluar ramps to create the round front area also, in my opinion its probably the best area to get right. Do you always draw your maps out somewhat before designing them?
  14. oOMr BecksOo

    oOMr BecksOo Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Hey Silentraine yeah the feedback is helping so is the general interest some people don't understand the shear amount forging that goes into something like this, I don't always draw them I sometimes draw bits and pieces of my maps to help give me a better feel but I am going to go all out on this project I think, I want to make a video that's another hobby of mine haha! some really good action shots etc, I want to get some SiGs and what not for it as this may well be my last and biggest forging project so I want to get it perfect that's why I'm taking my time on it not rushing and trying to get as much support and help behind me to steer me on! Yeah I have made the bottom fin using large braces did it on my previous CAC but it that weird round bulge that I want to be practically perfect, It is possible just need to get the best method that requires as little budget as possible although I will spare a good 3rd of the budget to get this right as it is on key point of the ship this would include interior also! I like Timmy's use of them but I feel it doesn't give the desired feel and most certainly not give the desired effect inside, BTW I will be making this as compatible to as many Game Modes as I can! Key One being Invasion with a few others tailored to fit!

    This may or may not be my last post until Friday so please keep all the feedback as I will read it I will try to get a good progress picture but Sunday! giving a little glimpse at what I have done (Hopefully I will have done the front!) But for now I have got a busy week ahead! Again keep the comments, thoughts, views, Ideas (<<This could be game modes, and general forging ideas to add?), Opinion, Feedback or just support coming in! and I will have a list of thank you's and what not when I come to posting!

    Thanks Again Guys Keep It Up!

    Kind Regards
    ~ Becks

    Edited by merge:


    so I am finally back and ready to start up this project again! Its sad to see that no-one has had any more interest in this but I feel I may start a new thread as this has now become a preview instead thanks for all the support you guys I will message you all with the thread details so that you can keep track of the progress if you please again thank you!

    Kind Regards
    ~ Becks
    #14 oOMr BecksOo, Oct 29, 2011
    Last edited: Oct 29, 2011

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