This is really cool im glad that someone can make a tiny map into something that is bigger.Now all i have to do is find something bad about this map.
Looks pretty sweet, Tusk. Looking forward to playing some Conquest on here. I'll get back to ya once I get the chance. I actually like how you were able to take Shock's map and adapt it to something like this. Nice job, sir.
I'm glad everyone is happy with the map. I thought I would get bashed by people and what not. I fully posted it on the for everyone to comment there hearts out and stuff. I will try and find one part of early testing where Furious D 18 and I stuck each other simultaneously, good times.
I havent got to actually have a good game of Conquest on the map yet! Im so mad, Tusk wanna get a party up some time?
that would be awesome dude, I might try to organize an all Conquest game night every once and a while. I'm thinking a Social group or something. I'am a big fan of conquest and am thinking this would show my love for the game type and Territories in general.
Can some one explain to me what conquest is? anyways, WHY THE FGCK DID YOU STEAL SHOCKS MAP? YOU COLD HEARTED BSJTCH
I wasn't a fan of the original Aqueduct. But you have done something great, you have forged a wonderful conquest map and integrated it perfectly with part of Aqueduct. Great idea!
Conquest is like the Tug o' war of Halo You have 3 rounds that are 3 minuets long with a 30 second Sudden death at the end. weapons are usually rapid fire with each team getting a sniper and brute shot as there power weapons. People have expanded upon this as time went bye using switches, teleporters, a early meet up between the teams, and the CPU. Some people find it fun while some dislike it with a passion. _____ Thanks for the comment Brute. _____ Thank you, but that is Shock doing. _____ Thanks but please don't spam, it doesn't get you anywhere wonderful. _____ Thank you as well squid. I'm glad that people are respecting me and not slamming me for this. The map it's self took some time to get just right. I was wanting to get the pre-fight in but I was very limited in supplies so I did not get all the Aesthetic touches I wanted, you win some you lose some. sorry I missed you post earlier.
Whoever gave me bad rep for that post needs to learn to read e-sarcasm. I read every single pose in this thread, and judging from all of my other posts I joke around a lot. -_- I have never played conquest, but I loved the original map.
You will not get very far dude. the map had to be half-ass budget glitched and I when through and deleted the weapons and Equipment. Just out of curiosity, what do you think needs changing?