Cyprus Created by XxXCASHnDASHXxX Supported Gametypes: Slayer/Team Slayer Map Description Cyprus is a Symmetrical map where one side is a mirror image of the other. Everything from the map layout to the weapon layout is nearly identical from one side to the other until you enter any of the center areas. Cyprus is meant to be played 4v4 or 5v5 Team Slayer, but will also work just as well in normal slayer. I spent ALOT of time merging objects and making sure everything looked clean, so i hope everyone likes it. I finished this map months ago and never got around to posing it. I played it for the first time last night and everyone seemed to like it alot. (Constructive criticism is defiantly welcome) As you can see i'm not very good at posting, so i hope everyone gets the general idea of the map from what little i shared. Weapons List ))) (8 Battle Rifle 4 per side) (2 Carbines 1 per side) (8 SMG 4 per side) (2 Needler 1 per side) (4 Spikers 2 per side) (1 Rocket 2 shots/180 sec) (1 Flamethrower/never) (1 Bubble Shield/180 sec) (1 Radar Jammer/180 sec) (1 health/180 sec ) (1 Power Drainer/180 sec ) (1 Shotgun/180 sec ) (7 Stickies/3 per side and one in middle ) (8 Human Grenades/ 4 per side) [/URL][/img] Right side main respawn. [/URL][/IMG][/url][/img] Center behind windows...Main battling area. [/URL][/IMG][/url][/img] Center underneath window area. [/URL][/IMG][/url][/img] Left side base...Right side is the same. [/URL][/img] Shield area...Main hallway connects right/left base. [/URL][/img] Center...Showing top and bottom main battling areas. [/URL][/img] The best overview pic i could get...From the back of map. [/URL][/img] _________________________________________________ Thanks ahead of time to anyone who downloads and comments. I hope everyone enjoys... Thanks for looking !!! Download Cyprus here>>> [/noparse]
looks pretty good. lots of cover and clean interlocking as far as I can tell. it would help if u added a weapon list. other than that good first post
"Cyprus is a Symmetrical map where one side is a mirror image of the other." Redundancy FTW. Anyway, this map looks very nice and clean, especially good cause it's your first post. Can't comment on weapon placement or balance because you didn't put up a weapons list. I'm also not seeing much in the way or originality, nothing really stands out here. Solid map nevertheless: 8/10
looks really clean and everything, and overall looks like a great map. good job. everything looks well connected and it has good use of the map.
Thanks for the comments everyone....Greatly appreciated. Hopefully some of you get a chance to play on it soon.
nice map placement and I like how you utalized your materials and made your map big and unique. nice interlocking too. :]
THANKS Grizzly !!!! I hope more people get a chance to play on it because it's a fun TS map. I got a chance to play 4v4 on your map "Catalyst" and it was fun as hell. It has a good "flow" when playing TS....It's well constructed to.
WOW CASH !!! I can't beleive people aren't commenting on this more. Cyprus is truely one of the best Forge maps i've ever played. Both looks and playability are second to none. It must have took forever to make this... It's very clean and well layed out. I urge anyone who hasen't seen this yet to download and play because it's a blast. Who made "Reflux" ? I'm pretty sure thats what was called. That was another very well made map that we played earlier.
It's called "Reflex" and i think "Matty" made that one. It's a great map...All we played all night was Cyprus/Reflex and that MLG arena map....LOL. It was fun as hell though... Thanks to everyone above who left feedback. If anyone gets a chance to play Cyprus i wouldn't mind some constructive criticism...Likes or dislikes of the map.