Ice Cream Man

Discussion in 'Reach Mini Game Maps' started by REMkings, Oct 13, 2011.

  1. REMkings

    REMkings BIOC
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Ice Cream Man

    By REMkings


    The tragic story of the Ice cream man

    Once upon a time there used to live a Ice cream man somewhere in Zwolle in a narrow shopping street, where he would stand all day with his ice cream van, selling ice creams to families passing by. But he wasn’t the only one who had to earn a living by selling ice creams. There were also two ice cream parlors in the street, Gelateria Salute and Gelateria Talamini, who made big money.

    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    If you want to find out what the insides of these parlors look like, be sure to check out the screenshot-spoiler down below!

    Eventually they even undercut the Ice cream man, making him go bankrupt and leaving him in poverty and misery. One day the Ice cream man’s life became so hard that he went insane. He grabbed his ice cream van, went to the church at the end of the street, went all the way up to the top, drove off and… died.
    Yes, it’s tragic, isn’t it?

    But in the legend that parents tell their children nowadays when they’re nagging at them because they want some ice cream he didn’t die!
    No, the ice cream man drove his van off the church spire because he was seeking for BLOOD!


    From that day, every kid who was stupid enough to enter the street would be run over by the madman, giving him more and more the revenge he was seeking for. Only the bravest ones could withstand him (and most of all his ice cream) and reach the end of the street on their way to safety.


    Now this was the story behind this map. (Well, actually it’s something I just made up while I’m making this post for my Ice Cream Man map lol. It’s not like I thought of the story first and then made the map in accordance with this story. Because you have to remember this: Gameplay is king. XD No just kidding)

    Hello and welcome to my newest finished map called “Ice Cream Man”!
    This map is my version of the renowned minigame “Ice cream man” which was already created back in Halo 3.
    In case you didn’t know, the story is quite simple: The humans are supposed to represent kids and the zombie is the ice cream man who had gone insane and wants to run the kids over with his ice cream van.
    I have seen several versions of Ice Cream Man in Halo Reach but none of them fully applied the potential of this minigame. Now I don’t want to claim that my map did, but I do think that it’s a pretty good map in the way it is and that I did a good job on the aesthetics too.

    The idea
    The Ice cream man is the only one who can drive a vehicle, and he has to use his warthog to splatter the kids. The kids are very slow but they can jump pretty high to evade the ice cream man. Also they have one or more grenades – depending on which class the players choose – to make the warthog turn over. If one of the kids makes it to the end of the street he has to jump over a fence to pick up a golfball club and a custom power up. He will be sent into a teleporter by a man cannon which will drop him back on the street. And now he can have his revenge! He needs to be careful though, the ice cream man can still harm him (he ain’t invulnerable).
    Like I said, the zombies (kids) can choose between 3 different classes (Security, I think, and Saboteur and Special Ops). The first class gives you only 1 grenade but the armor ability Holographic Decoy, the other two classes provide two grenades (resp. 2x frag and 1x each) but no armor ability. Players have a waypoint above their head so you might want to think twice before you pick the first class, though you can also use it for other purposes…


    The map consists of a street, where the action takes place, and a higher level where the ice cream man will spawn. Once spawned, he has ten seconds to take his ice cream van and drive down the road via a ramp / jump onto the street where the kids will be waiting for him. I put a soft kill zone because I found that when the person who was selected to be the ice cream man wouldn’t actually play, it would screw up the game since the kids had to wait for the rest of the round. You won’t be penalized if you commit suicide so don’t worry about that, if will only make the game proceed more smoothly.
    The game is playable from 2-16 players, but I would recommend playing with between 4 and 12, because I expect that to be the most fun. I found that playing with only 2 players is also funny though, especially if you’re playing on local.
    In short: You will have to find your own preference.

    Errors that were needed to be fixed
    Initially I wanted there to be only 1 zombie so the other players would become the humans. When I tested this map though I found that the round wouldn’t end when the zombie died. That’s why I decided to mix things up and made sure there would be only one human instead of one zombie. Unlike zombies humans are affected by safe havens so that also gave me the opportunity to add a safe haven to solve another problem: the ice cream man could kill the kids outside of the warthog too. Because in Halo Reach you can’t do any harm whatsoever if your damage modifier is 0%, I had to give the ice cream man a regular damage modifier of 100%. Otherwise he could splatter a kid as many times as he’d like to, he wouldn’t kill him anyway. By adding a safe haven on top of the floor and making anyone in the safe haven unable to do any damage (which, once again, only affects humans), I fixed both errors.


    Overall look of the back area (kids spawn location)

    Left side (kids point of view)

    Right side (kids point of view)

    The end of the street with the “church” and the power up spawn (behind the shield door).

    Gelateria Talamini (inside). You can see the different ice cream display counters with a random ice cream sticking out and also one of the ice cream slices (I put two in there).

    Gelateria Salute (inside). Unlike Talamini where you can find only one health pack in here you can find even two of these helpful packets (there’s only one in sight though).

    The sidewalk café of Salute. It used to be more crowded.

    The garbage man left a long time ago too.

    Ice cream man spawn

    The ice cream man will have to drive off the edge.

    Soft kill zones will prevent the ice cream man from camping…

    … and the teleporter will prevent him from leaving without his ice cream van.

    The ice cream man can’t jump on top of his warthog.

    Even if he finds a way he still can’t get to the power up to get some cheap kills.

    And even if you would reach the custom power up it still wouldn’t help you due to the safe haven.

    Here is where the kids spawn.

    Point of view for a kid. Two changes were made though: The ice cream doesn’t have a waypoint above his head anymore and you have less grenades.

    This is where the kids need to end up, if they want to score a lot of points. Don’t forget to bring your golf club!

    There you go, ready to rock!

    You’ll be sent back to the battlefield soon enough.

    You’re not invulnerable once you’ve picked up the power up, though.

    Smack that dude!

    Or just shoot him like a man.

    Now some more action shots and you are finally done with the screenshots. J

    “Here we go!”

    “Thank you for bringing us to school today, Mr Ice cream man!”

    “Whooooo… wants some ice cream?!”

    One down, three to go.

    “Oh I’m sorry, did I break your concentration?!”

    Jumping the rope.

    [highlight]Finally, I want to end this screenshot show by showing you this picture of a coat of arms.[/highlight]
    For all of you attentive guys who also read my Whac-a-Mole post: yes, that’s right, you’ve seen this one before! I decided to put this in every map I will be making from now one, as some kind of trademark.

    Click [jumpto=Screenshots]here[/jumpto] if you want to hide the spoiler again.


    Thanks to all the kind people who made these reviews!
    Please check out the channels of everyone of these guys if you like Halo Reach videos, I would help them out a lot and it's my way to returning the favour!

    The Fun Fun Fun Minigame Review: Episode 6 [HD] - YouTube

    Another version of the video above, with slightly different commentary:

    ★ Halo Reach: The Fun Fun Fun Mingame Review Episode 6, ft. ducain23! - WAY➚ - YouTube

    Forge Review 83 - Ice Cream Man - YouTube

    SWF Reach Maps: Icecream Man (Ep. 146) - YouTube

    Good things about this map:
    ü Ice cream man can’t pick up the custom power up.
    ü Ice cream man can’t kill the kids without using his warthog, due to the safe haven.
    ü Kids can recharge their health if they actually take the time to pick up a health pack.
    ü I found the length of the street is pretty decent.
    ü The jump at the beginning is kind of cool.

    Bad things about this map:
    v The idea wasn’t mine, obviously.
    v It took me ages to get it to work right.
    v It really takes some skill to kill all the kids, especially when playing with big parties.
    v It would have been better if I had already made this map when Reach came out, instead of one year later.

    That would be all!
    There are dozens of Ice Cream Man maps in Halo Reach and even more in Halo 3 but I still hope you will give this one a download and have fun playing on this map!

    If you tested this map and found anything you think that needs to be fixed or if you have any feedback, let me know because it helps me improve my maps.

    Thanks to all the testers and thanks for any feedback!

    And last but definitely not least:

    [highlight]Don’t forget to download both map and gametype! This game won’t work if you do not have both!!![/highlight]

    Download links:
    Map – Ice Cream Man
    Gametype – Ice Cream Man

    UPDATE (11-03-'11): I've added the new download links! You can now download the best working versions of both map and gametype. Thank you!
    List of changes that were made:
    • Zombies can jump less high.
    • Zombies have lower health.
    • Fence at the end has also been lowered so zombies don't have to crouch jump.
    • Hologram Class has been replaced by a class without an armor ab but with two plasma grenades.
    • Four holograms are now placed on the map: 3 on the initial spawn points, 1 in the safe room on the right. The 3 holograms on the initial spawns will disappear after 1 minute and after that they won't respawn again. So be sure to pick it up if you want one! (When playing with small parties of course, otherwise somebody else might already spawn on top of it)
    #1 REMkings, Oct 13, 2011
    Last edited: Nov 4, 2011
  2. Poolio

    Poolio Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Finally! I knew eventually there would be this map. I tried to make one myself, but gave up after realizing that the zombie could just kill the players instead of having to splatter them. I'm definitely going to try this out, after all, I do believe this may be the first map to actually fix all the problems. I'm actually now thinking of a map to make using safe havens. Great Job!
  3. REMkings

    REMkings BIOC
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Thank you! It's funny how at last the idea of the safe haven crossed my mind, just like with my other map Whac-a-Mole, where I found that the KotH gamemode would actually save the day :)
    I've got plenty of great ideas for safe havens maps and minigames actually, maybe we should work together sometime in the future ;)
    #3 REMkings, Oct 13, 2011
    Last edited: Oct 13, 2011
  4. Savage Tracks

    Savage Tracks Forerunner

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    Pretty cool. How did you make it so the Human can't pick up the power up? Thanks.
  5. REMkings

    REMkings BIOC
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    The Human (Ice cream man) can't jump high enough to get over the fence. ;)
    And even if he would it wouldn't affect him anyway, since the safe haven is still there to reduce his damage modifier to 0%.
    #5 REMkings, Oct 14, 2011
    Last edited: Oct 14, 2011
  6. Spicy Forges

    Spicy Forges Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This is very clever! Ice cream man was always a fun mini game to break up the time in between longer custom games. The way you have managed to get it working is quite innovative. The map also contains quite a few intriguing aesthetics which all work together and make this map a pleaser to look at and play on. Good work.
  7. Savage Tracks

    Savage Tracks Forerunner

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    Oh ok. Ahhh I hate the fact that you made the fat kids jump high. That's not ICM. The fat kids are supposed to no be able to jump high at all. I like some changes but the fact that they can jump high really kills this for me. I won't DL now. Sorry.
  8. REMkings

    REMkings BIOC
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    It's ok, I accept your choice. But within me:...... :'(

    But why does it bother you so much? The kids wouldn't stand a chance if they couldn't evade the warthog. With the basic Fat Kid (alpha zombies variant) the zombie is slow and can't jump high, sometimes not even at all, but in my game the kids aren't fat and they basically don't have a choice but to jump. And believe me, they really don't jump that high if that's what you think!!! Only st like 125% or 150%, so only a little higher than usual. Just give it a chance, maybe you'd even like this concept. If not, then it's fine with me.

    You know what, I'll try to put a video with some gameplay soon, that shows how it plays.

    Edited by merge:

    Thanks, I try to do my best =D
    Be sure to check out my upcoming maps, I have some pretty innovative ideas for minigames :)
    #8 REMkings, Oct 14, 2011
    Last edited: Oct 14, 2011
  9. Poolio

    Poolio Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    You should actually add a video of the gameplay so that the players have a better general idea about the map. Since I have Bungie Pro, I can help you render 5 minutes. You can also ask Pinohkio, he has got himself a CC, so he can record in SD and HD, but you may receive the video later.
  10. REMkings

    REMkings BIOC
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Thanks, I also have Bungie Pro so I also have 5 minutes, but I tried to put videos in my threads and they never work :(

    All I do is to put [noparse][BungieVid][/BungieVid][/noparse] and then the code in between, for instance: so the code would be 23874588, but it never works :S
    Check my other maps and try to play the videos, they don't work. It starts counting from 1 to 4 and then it says "Could not open file" etc. Or it has to be some problem that no-one but me encounters, I don't know.

    But those HD videos could help a lot, if he wouldn't mind I'd like to have one or more. I just don't really need to since I can also use my own 5 minutes per month ;)

    By the way: do you know how to put YouTube videos in a thread? Because I tried to embed some videos (that weren't mine) but I couldn't find a proper way.
    #10 REMkings, Oct 16, 2011
    Last edited: Oct 16, 2011
  11. Poolio

    Poolio Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    The reason it is not working is because you are placing the Value of the URL. You need to place the value of the numbers where it says imbed, in this case, it would be:


    It is wierd why you have to do that, I had the same exact problem as well. At least your not the only one. :)
  12. REMkings

    REMkings BIOC
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    No no even when I only place the value it still won't work!

    EDIT: By now I already found the problem: I used the wrong ID ;)
    #12 REMkings, Oct 16, 2011
    Last edited: Nov 8, 2011
  13. CosmicJosh

    CosmicJosh Forerunner

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    So, I tried a couple of games on this with 4-5 people. I think that you have a well designed map right here, and it's pretty enjoyable to play on. However, a few issues make it a pain in the butt for the Ice Cream Man.

    One, people can hide in the safe rooms and have no incentive to leave. (Soft Kill Zone + Smaller shop suggested)

    Two, Ice Cream man can camp just outside of the building, blocking the door-way making it impossible for the Kids to get points. (Suggestion: Remove the shield door)

    Also, the healing of the health is kinda ridiculous. I have Birthday Party on, and I had zero health left, but I wasn't dead. I then proceeded to beat the crap out of the Ice Cream man, much to his dismay. Also, it is very,very,very hard to kill all of the kids. Maybe, make them lighter, so they have to time their jumps better, or make them not jump as high. You might have to experiment with this, but if you get it right, I think it would be a much more enjoyable gametpye.

    Peace out.
  14. REMkings

    REMkings BIOC
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Thank you very much, this is really helpful. You have a lot of great ideas to fix the problems this map might know.
    I'll comment on every of your statements below.

    1. Yes, you can hide in the safe rooms, but by doing so you would kill the enjoyability of the game for nobody but yourself and you alone. The ice cream man can continue killing other kids and you can't get to the end to kill him. So whoever camps in there for the rest of the round is just boring or stupid. But it's good that you thought about it though, and adding a soft kill zone would speed up the game ;)
    So I can take it into consideration.
    2. Did you mean the safe rooms by "building"? Once again that's true but I don't see why the ice cream man would do that unless he envies the specific person who's inside and just wants to bully nobody but him alone, because if there are more kids they can just walk to the custom powerup without the ice cream man chasing them (the chance that all the kids are in the same safe room at once is really, really small). Also, I don't think the ice cream man would even think about doing this in the first place, because he would just act like a douche and mess up the game for everybody. And maybe this might even turn out in a good way because it will prevent the kids from camping.
    If you didn't mean the safe rooms then please let me know.
    3. I tried the game myself with 12 people once and I met the same problem: killing all the kids is pretty much impossible. I think I'll work on that, too bad the gametype already got +1500 downloads :(
    Anyway, I'll think about solving this problem, I expect that the best way to fix it is to either lower a kid's health or to decrease his jump hight. Thank you for mentioning, I was wondering if anybody would encounter this problem as well and now I found out somebody did I will definitely think about fixing this to make it more difficult for the kids.

    Finally, I want to apologize for my lacking English, if there was anything you didn't understand tell me so I can try to explain. ;)

    PS: By the way, did you find the hologram glitch annoying? Beating the hologram at the right moment will speed you up a little.. I decided to let it in but if it bothers the majority of players I could also take that out. But whatever, maybe 90% of the people doesn't even notice it anyway.
  15. CosmicJosh

    CosmicJosh Forerunner

    Likes Received:
    Yeah, I totally did not notice the holo-gram thing. I might have to try that now.

    Yeah, I did mean the safe room when I said building. And the reason why it was annoying is because I was the last kid left, and my brother (Who get's a high off of pissing people off) just camped outside for the last 2 minutes.

    Glad to help. I'm pretty available on Fridays and Sundays to help test out Customs, so send me a game invite sometime :)
  16. REMkings

    REMkings BIOC
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Okay, too bad I live in Europe so the time difference might be a little annoying but I will ;)
    Well, besides your brother not many people would do that.... I hope xD

    Once again thanks for the advice, it helps me out, also with my future maps
  17. Darth Human

    Darth Human Guy from Reach
    Senior Member

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  18. REMkings

    REMkings BIOC
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Why thank you kind sir! You're pretty much the master of minigames so this flatters me a lot :D
    If you're going to download it then please download the new version. This one is way too hard for the warthog driver, and I'm afraid you will definitely be disappointed. (New version will be online in a few days, I hope.)
    I'll be working on new minigames soon, hopefully you'll like those too once they're finished! Don't expect them too soon though, I'm really busy with school and stuff nowadays.
    I'll spare possible future remakes (like Duck Hunt, maybe) for later.
    #18 REMkings, Oct 31, 2011
    Last edited: Oct 31, 2011
  19. ducain23

    ducain23 Guardian
    Staff Member Senior Member

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    I made a video of it :D

    The Fun Fun Fun Minigame Review: Episode 6 [HD] - YouTube
  20. Darth Human

    Darth Human Guy from Reach
    Senior Member

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