This is halo defends a great new map/idea! (i hope this is the right forum if its not, pleas tell a moderater to move it to the right one) Gametype The gametype is assault and for some reson the regular is the only one wich works Link to gametype: Gametype! The attackers/Runners The Attackers/Runners spawn in a closed box whit a Closed teleporter after the 30seconds the teleporter will be free then the attackers need to defends the Bomb carrier so he makes it to the end of the maze and can arm the bomb The defenders/Towers The defenders spawn in a room whit 8 teleporters each teleporter will bring you to a other room/tower whit difrent weapon in each room/tower the towers are all in a difrent part of the maze whit all a limited sigh, so teamwork is needed Warning: You cannot teleport back to the teleport room (spawn area) so choose your place carefully! Pictures Picture one - Picture Two - The tower Row The towers are in a row Tower 1 is closed to the attacker spawn and tower 8 is closed to end of the maze. Picture of the tower row: My forge group i would like to thank my group on for some idea we are called FoF (Fuel of Forge) Link: FoF Map link: Map
maybe add gameplay pics, other than that map looks pretty good. Also you may want to try interlocking your boxes to make gameplay cleaner, some people don't like lip between boxes. good job
well there isnt realy interlocking needed sinced you only in 8 towers (for the defenders) and the attacker dont realy need to shoot so
well when this map will be a succes ill change it but for now whit 1 download ill leave it the way it is couse i would need to change 3 topics then (forgehub, group,file forum) but when it reaches 300+ dls ill change it