forge ideas for halo 4

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by seventhmaxkilla, Oct 9, 2011.

  1. n3rdness

    n3rdness Forerunner

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    I think the idea to add your own water would be nice, but I do agree that a free flowing water engine is definitley not happening anytime soon in forge. A better idea for this would be if they add the option of filling a custom volume with water, the same way you would set objective volumes or kill barriers. Not free flowing, but an imovable volume that could be set to either sway back and forth on the top like normal forgeworld water, or lay flat and still like in a fountain. The same thing goes for something like a water fall. It would just be the particle effect, but not actually free flowing.

    Also, being able to select multiple objects and move them all at the same time would be nice. The same idea could be applied to saving custom shapes that are made up of multiple objects. If you wanted to build an identical base on the opposite side of a map, you could just save the first base as 'building' then throw down an exact copy wherever you wanted it, without having to rebuild it entirely from scratch.

    The above idea could work with a sort of compounding price system for each custom piece. For example, if your custom base costs a total of $1000 to build, then each copy you make will also cost another $1000.

    As well, being able to reflect asymetrical pieces, such as the two story tower, would be nice for those who want to make their maps perfectly symetrical.
    #21 n3rdness, Oct 14, 2011
    Last edited: Oct 14, 2011
  2. HYP3D

    HYP3D Forerunner

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    Lower water kill limits, when you go a little bit in water you die. This would be pretty awesome making underwater maps :3
  3. robbieagray

    robbieagray Forerunner

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    What I always though would be cool would be the ability to hide in the water and snipe someone in an overhanging structure.
  4. alreadyRogue

    alreadyRogue Forerunner

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    Stevo, QFT

    OT: Forge is fine how it is, and the restrictions are what make it fun. I would however like to have object grouping. Maybe have a grouping option in the object menus with values from 1-30 or something, so you are able to have 30 groups. The number is trivial, but you would be able to set spawn times for entire groups, set move entire groups, delete, spawn them in different phases of invasion, etc. On the topic of deleting, I would like to see which object I have my 'cursor' over, just give it a slightly green or whitish hue so that it is OBVIOUS which object I will be moving, selecting, or deleting. Furthermore, I would like to have it say "Delete all: XXXXXXXXX" in place of "Delete all" so that there is again, no mistake in what you have selected.

    Also, fix rotation settings. Bungie picked the wrong way to rotate something. They made it what they thought would be easiest for people to use, where as it should be the way rotation is done in programs like Blender, autoCAD, and 3DS max. In those very expensive and very powerful programs, I would think that they are doing things right, and Bungie should have also.

    343 should also improve how polygons are saved when a map is saved. How I see it in my head is likened to how images are saved in photoshop or any other photo editor with layers. You can either save the canvas with layers, in which case you get all the underlying layers, or you can save it as a JPEG or PNG, in which you lose all the layers. I believe it would be possible, probably not easy, but possible to remove polygons of pieces that overlap with polygons from other pieces. You would of course have the option to "Save as Editable Canvas// Save as Non-Editable Canvas (saves Editable Canvas as well)." In this way total polygon count of finished maps would be 4-5 times less as only external polygons would be rendered. This would also have the added benefit of removing ALL framerate on ANY map (within reason). In this way we could also have a much larger budget and forge would be infinitely more practical. Of course, once you save a map as a Non-Editable Canvas, you can no longer go into that map in forge and delete specific pieces, because all the pieces have been grouped together and excess polygons deleted, but additional pieces could still be added on and saved further.

    That is why you have the two options for saving, both of which give you an editable canvas to work with. You can still have customs on editable canvasses, but you would have the drawbacks of framerate and the issues we have now with forge.

    Just some thoughts.
  5. SkItZo1041

    SkItZo1041 Forerunner

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    An "Undo" option, the covenant theme structure, a second forge map(?), and a custom block (if a 2x3 is too big, make a custom one that is 2x2.5 or something).
  6. t507 771t5

    t507 771t5 Forerunner

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    there have been so many posts about this and while talking about all the little features is fun its not thinking big... i think the best thing 343 industries could do to update forge is have it in a blank enviornment instead of forgeworld where items have to exist at all times. this would increase the number of ridgid blocks you could place, decrease lag on maps, and increase the number of complex functions you could put into a map. that way they would have the dataspace to worry about adding things like placeable water.
  7. The Juggernaut

    The Juggernaut Forerunner

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    The option to highlight a group of blocks and copy them. That'd make building a bunch of the same structure a lot easier
  8. Overdoziz

    Overdoziz Untitled
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    The current Forge is 100% gray and the framerate shits on itself if there are more than 3 blocks in the same general area and people want water?

  9. Deniedoath

    Deniedoath Forerunner

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    For those of you getting sick of halo reach's and other game's limited map editors; two words- Hammer Editor.
  10. SkItZo1041

    SkItZo1041 Forerunner

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    People aren't getting sick of forge, and who cares if they're giving little ideas? He asked what we would like to see in the next one, and that's what people are doing. There's no such thing as a stupid opinion, only stupid people. And unless someone says something like "a button 2 press that instantly kill all people and give u double points!!!!," then there aren't any dumb ideas.

    I do like the copying groups idea, I get sick of having to place each piece one by one sometimes. Yea, it's not a lot of work, just I don't have the patience sometimes.
  11. Overdoziz

    Overdoziz Untitled
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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  12. Deniedoath

    Deniedoath Forerunner

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    I wasn't responding to anybody in particular, nor was I accusing anyone of having a stupid opinion...

    Edited by merge:

    What I would like to see in halo 4's forge:

    Face edit/material swapper tool, maybe 10 or 15 different textures to select from

    Undo option

    More practical forge pieces (ladders, fences, stairs, doors, foliage, etc.)

    Button tool with values and outputs for specific forge pieces (doors, explosives)

    Despawning option

    Non-weaponized vehicles in the palette (civi vehicles, dropships, passenger hogs etc.)

    Option to have objectives in infection (not necessarily forge-related i know)

    Set of maps that are optimized and fit for creativity (Wide open ocean with just a skybox)

    dynamic water (yeah right)

    A system of parenting objects or grouping them so they move as one

    A way to move forge pieces from one fixed position to another in-game (could be useful for creating elevators, bridges, make-shift vehicles, doors, etc.)

    a way to create your own lighting in a map

    I know that a lot these ideas (if implemented) would require some heavy duty work on 343's part; but in my eyes it would be the perfect forge mode.
    #32 Deniedoath, Oct 18, 2011
    Last edited: Oct 18, 2011
  13. ZombieGuineaPig

    ZombieGuineaPig Forerunner

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    Gosh dang you Stevo and your trolling!

    Well anyways, the new forge should keep the budget limit but not limit the number of a certain group of objects you can have. Like the price would stay the same so after placing quite a few of the object you'd run out, but you would not be limited to the 50 rocks, 100 blocks, etc..
  14. Tifty Lambchop

    Tifty Lambchop Forerunner

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    An option to have multiple custom powerups each with a different effect would be really awesome. They could make it so that when you press X on a custom powerup, you could label it "Custom Powerup 1, Custom Powerup 2, etc." and then edit its abilities accordingly in the customs lobby. It would also be nice to have different colored custom powerups. Perhaps a green and a purple as well as the default yellow so that players could recognize the effect of a custom by the color of it rather than it's location on a map. In this way you could also have several of the same customs labeled as "Custom Powerup 1" and have a few of a different custom labeled "Custom Powerup 2" and so on and so forth... This would add a whole new depth to infection gametypes and other gametypes as well.

    And as long as I'm talking about infection, someone mentioned it earlier, but it would really be awesome to see objectives in infection. Linear infection maps would actually force Humans to advance through the map, instead of just giving them some insentive (like a better weapon down the road, or a rolling killball slowly chasing you, or some bull...).

    Left 4 Dead maps would be soooo much better if these features were implemented. It really gets the creative juices flowing thinking about all the different ways you can make infection maps feel more defined and all around fun!
  15. Deniedoath

    Deniedoath Forerunner

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    I also like the idea of objectives in infection, but I think if 343 pulls that off, their going to need to add some realism to the gametype. If Halo 4 ships with an infection gametype I don't want to see the zombies being green spartans again running around with energy swords. No, what I'd like to see is flood player models activated during infection for team zombie's. Doing this would, in a way, correspond to the storyline. Hah, but at the same time this would be annulled by the traditional spartan vs. spartan tdm gametype. Oh well.
    #35 Deniedoath, Oct 18, 2011
    Last edited: Oct 18, 2011
  16. Tifty Lambchop

    Tifty Lambchop Forerunner

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    Yeah having flood models would be pretty kick ass. If they keep the Spartan zombie model, they could at least just make em look more zombie-ish... ya know, like have the armor beat up and falling off, and maybe bits of exposed flesh here and there. Oh and having the zombies attack with only their bare hands would be a really nice option too. C'mon 343! I BELIEVE IN YOU!
  17. seventhmaxkilla

    seventhmaxkilla Forerunner

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    actually the color of the blocks DOESNT affect how well the system runs, theyre all pixels, the things that ruin the system are complex objects
  18. Revolver13X

    Revolver13X Promethean

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    Flowing water would be great, also adding grass scenery would be cool. One thing I really want though is Breakable glass in forge, there are so many ways I could use it for maps.
  19. grouptjrocks117

    grouptjrocks117 Forerunner

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    Halo 4 forge needs! to have movable and sizeable zreo gravity generators!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  20. Noble T0M

    Noble T0M Forerunner

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    I think they should add to the rotation feature by adding the option to rotate on point ( aka the corner) and it would also be nice to have some sort of cutting/cropping tool and a resize option to make things proportionally bigger or smaller
    #40 Noble T0M, Nov 26, 2011
    Last edited: Nov 26, 2011

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