Made these outta boredom, haven't had a creative idea in awhile, just been working a map, that i plan on posting in the near future, but that's irrelevant. Nebula Shock Fileshare
I like Nebula but Shock could have been better if he had a sniper and was Sprinting. Grenade Launchers aren't the best weapons for posing in a picture. What map did you make Nebula on, and what effects did you use?
Now not to sound like a **** or anything however I just HATE the look of raised weapons in screenshots. You can put down your weapon by holding the reload, switch grenades, down on the d-pad and pushing in the right analog stick when in a game. However you need to have your online settings to the My Xbox setting (you can press y in the pre-game lobby and you'll find it). And if your spartan was looking up instead of having his chin tucked in it would be a great screenshot. But for Shock I find it so bright and confusing also your spartan colour doesn't match the explosion too well.
i really like the lighting and texture on shock, but you should try to get a more interesting pose- even just having him run forward would make this screenshot alot better, otherwise good job and keep at it!