This is a new gametype I made for a new map I also made in coordination with this called Bansheeball. It's King of the Hill, but in this gametype, there is a banshee that serves as the Hill! When you get in it, you fly around in the Hill and gain seconds to your overall score. Others try to shoot you down with snipers, plasma pistols, sprint, and evade, with which they are equipped. They give a little more damage to make sure that the game is fast-moving and cuts down on one really skilled (or lucky) player 'hogging the Hill'. If you shoot down the banshee, it respawns at its point where the game put it in to start off. It's a ton of fun, and I've put it through rigorous testing to make sure that it's worth the effort of downloading it and trying it out for yourself! Hope you enjoy! -AMALGAMATIQN [/URL][/URL][/URL][/IMG][/IMG][/IMG][/IMG][/IMG][/IMG][/IMG]
I really like this concept but you definitely shouldn't put this under "Gametypes". The section "Gametypes" is (probably) only meant for gametypes that would work with any map, not with only one specific map, taking in consideration the exceptions (Eg: Grifball variants of course need to be played on Grifball maps etc.). This game won't work on every map because in most maps the Banshee could just fly away. I suggest making a new thread in which you also show pictures of the map that goes along with this gametype, and just deleting this one since it would become redundant. Because it's pretty useless to make a special thread for a gametype if you also talk about in another thread. That's just my point of view though, if you have your reasons to put it in here then feel free to ignore this tip
Your gametype says it is an infection gametype but I know it is KoH. Not sure iof you can edit that but if you can that would be great.