reach24214213 0 - YouTube Inspired by the tv show I set off to make a fun and unique race map. I started this map 1 year ago and have fiddled with it on and off. This map takes you all over Forge World. It has 3 mountain climbs, 1 mountain side hill climb, 1 ski jump, and high speed jumps (some requiring tactful execution). For you Easter egg hunters I've placed 2 Concussion rifles on the map both located roughly 90 seconds from the start and less. Ninja Warrior Mongoose (Stage 1) is challenging and rewarding. The competitive type can challenge themselves to beat one lap under 6 minutes. My personal best is 5:31 as seen in the video
One word. EPIC. Your map looks like that year of on-and-off forging did the trick. You nailed it! You did a very well job forging this map. My favourite parts are the smooth banks and the detailed sea pillars. Can't wait to see what work comes from you next! (P.S. My record is 6:22 )
This is just damn cool. I really like how every bank is super smooth and that it doesnt seem to have any major bumps. I also like the looks of some of the challenges. Ill give it a DL and giver a try
Wow... Very well done, and just one thing I love if we compare all racetracks like that : You made "decorative" with the pillars which rend the map more realistic. Maybe I wish to see somebody who can do something more... Interactive, like my Mario Kart gametype or S/S racetracks/gametypes, but this track is really impressive. I'm just desappointed about the fact these tracks are long too much. With 16 players, sometime this is a challenge for only 2 or 3 guys in the game, and the others just don't want to finish at last position (like in Moto GP). Well... You have my congratulations and that's not everytime I give it !
I think the map looks great and I also love a good challenge map every now and then. I'll consider this DL'd because I GOT WHAT IT TAKES MOFO!!!!!!! *takes caps lock off*
An idea: You should throw some more traps (if you have the budget) onto the map and submit it to Achievement Horse on Achievement Hunter on Youtube!
Glad to see this challenge some of you. It is possible to do without flipping the Mongoose but practice practice practice. This course will definitely sharpen your Mongoose driving skills for those who enjoy Assault and CTF games. Thanks for giving this a go Javidson!