Hub of the Dead II General Information/FAQ FAQ Section: Q: Where do we submit our maps? A: Maps are to submitted in this thread under the appropriate format. Q: Which maps are disqualified? A: Maps that are either posted before September 1st or incompatible with the Alpha Zombies infection gametype. Q: How many maps are we allowed to enter? A: There is a limit of one map per entrant. Q: Are we allowed to co-forge? A: Co-forging is allowed. Q: When does the contest close? A: The contest closes on October 29th, 11:59 pm EST. Q: What gametypes can we use? A: Maps will be judged on the Alpha Zombies infection gametype but having your map compatible with other infection gametypes will not hurt your chances. Q: How will maps be judged? A: Maps will be judged equally based on overall enjoyment and aesthetics. Q: What maps are we limited too? A: You can use any map, DLC and Pre-DLC. Q: Are we allowed to use FX and/or lighting orbs? A: Yes, light orbs and FX are ok.
Well, at least now we might see a few more decent infection maps. Honestly they are too few and far between in Reach. Edit: Sorry, is this a discussion thread or for questions only? If the later is true feel free to nerf this comment.
Now this might be rather silly of me but would you mind editting your post so we just have a little more info on what the purpose of the contest is and if their is a reward (not that I really expect anything but it would supprise me if some idiot came along and thought that by winning he could earn some free armor crap). Not trying to boss you around just trying to help you out and make it simpler for everyone... and perhaps with a little info increase the possiblity of entries.
All the main information on the contest is on the front page. I do have to inquire why this information is not there and why that information is not here though. Seems mundane switching between two threads for different information on the same contest.
From what I recall, this is how it's always been. There's the main article (which obviously goes on the home page), the FAQ thread, and the Submission thread.
You'll have to forgive me but I can find the original thread only the FAQ(this one) and the submission thread. Now while I know that we are making maps that work with Alpha zombie I still don't know the whole purpose. Is it in response to Halloween or did something else motivate this contest, etc... Sorry if I am being an inconvience.
Okay. As was stated, use the ALPHA ZOMBIE GAMETYPE that is used in matchmaking. The purpose behind this contest, while irrelevant, was to celebrate Halloween and give you infection guys something to do with your maps.
Alright was merely asking because I have a Halo gametype that consists of alpha zombies but starts with only one. So this answers me question. Thanks for answering.
Why just Alpha Zombies, I designed a map a couple weeks ago and it's perfectly balanced, but its not Alpha Zombies, just regular infection.
So are maps that were started prior to Sept 1st, but completed afterward and not yet posted anywhere... Are those eligible?
What exactly is "Alpha Zombie"? and is there any maps that have been made for this gametype before? I'd like to see an example if possible.
I was looking for more of a description. Cause I've never heard it before and I don't like infection what so ever so I don't exactly plan on trying the gametype out until my map is finished. Mybe I'll just look up some youtube videos of it when I am home and have better connection. If it's in matchmaking, a few people might have posted a few videos then.
Pretty much, it's basic bare-bones infection. All zombies have spring (instead of evade, now) and Alpha zombies, or players that start the round as zombies, are red and have infinite spring, where players that become infected later in the round are green and have a limited burst of sprint.