Hello, Forgehub................................. It's been a long time.......................... I think it has been a couple of months since i uploaded a map, but before i am going to play battlefield and quit halo reach i just wanted to make one last map. A map that could be remembered by loads of players that are downloading my maps. This is me for the ones that don't know me. just follow me and you'll be amazed. I've got a lot to show you so here we go. the outside didn't I tell you, you'll be amazed =D. And now for real... For a long time i didn't know what to build or where to start until a couple of weeks ago when i was looking between the aestatic maps and found a big building called 'Eclectitecture'. i really like the concept so i decided to start there, I copied the outside and added some major chances. however the outside of the building is nearly the same, the inside is completely different. except for one room with i liked so much that i also copied that. the tower, rooms, and all the rest is 100% original and not copied. this is the REAL outside overview. this is a closer look at the main building and the tower. lets take a look at the inside. this is the first hall of the main building. take the left to see the core room, this is the copied room were i told you about. take the rigth for 3 other rooms. the lab, the sleeping room, the weapon storage. if you're in the main hall go down and then left you will first walk trough this hall then you'll end up the the assisent's room, take the hall on the right to get to the meeting room. go down the hall and take left instead of rigth you'll end up seeing this pool with fishes and behind that the storage room. And of course you can enter the tower, here's a look of the inside. and yes you can go up, here''s the ladder. oke, iv'e also placed a lot of cool Easter eggs, so if you want to know em just open the spoiler, and if not then you shouldn't open it. as simple as it is =J. Spoiler aahhh you opened the spoiler,Ò_Ó can't find em yourself lazy *****!!!!! =D the first easter egg is at the weapon room behind the crate, there should be a teleporter that send you to a nice overview over forgeworld, at the waterfall. the second one is in the storage room there is wall were you can walk trough soemwhere at the top rigth. behond that there is a cave, jump into the water to get in the underwater cave and find the secret golf club. the last one is my personel favorite. it's a mini version of the whole map with my name written into the sky. you can enter it by going to the meeting room and stand on THIS position to take a mongoose, you have to look down a bit. the egg.. pretty decent huh?.. my name to bad it isn't written in this sky =( I've added a Q&A under here to prevent some trouble. Q. did you design this all by yourself? A. no i copied the outside of the main building. Q. you seem to have so much placed but you still have money, did you mod? A. no, however i used a glitch to duplicate objects without using money. Q. why did you copie the outside of the main building and do you have permission? A. i do have permission and i thougth that it looked soo good that it was perfect, and i wanted to use that concept sooo badly. Q. why did you put easter eggs? A. whenever im playing on a map, i love it when there is secrets in. i love to find em, so i made some my own. Q. i just spawned at a random place in forge world, what now? A. kill urself i didn't have enough objects for 16 spawn points only for 8. Q. how long did it take you to make this? A. probably 14 days x 3 hours = 42 hours, but i think 10 of them wasted on object glitches. well that's is the post for now. i hope you all enjoy the map. Over And Out.
It's never a cool thing to copy anything, really, I didnt see anything more amazing than Eclectitecture. And I hope you at least got permission to post the copy of his map on here. Maybe you should build your own original building design, instead of copying something from others. It's really not that hard.
yes i do have permission, i asked him a long time ago. and beside that the only copied thing is the outside and just one room, if you read everything you would have known. it is also suppose to be a remake so
It is never a cool thing to copy anybody unless you have permission, then it is fine. As for the map itself, the interior looks mind-blowing and the easter eggs are really fascinating. Very good job!
I laughed at the first picture, but this looks really detailed, I like how you used to the pieces so uniquely you can't tell what you used for some of them. Or who ever made this..
yes i do have permission =), thank you the map took me lot of time [br][/br]Edited by merge: thanks, and ye i just liked that house, so i put it in. i would have made it bigger at first i still had 2700 money left, but i ran out of objects
Glitch? For double objects.... Does sound a little fishy to be honest but I am intreagued to find out more on this... Any more insights into how you had glitch? Asides from that it is very similar to the map you copied, bit of a gray area really. Will be checking out shortly to see. [br][/br]Edited by merge: Actually a load of bull. .. Mod made by ddeZ drol I have these mods... This was request 19 I belive, 256 block 256 decorative 100 coliseum wall mod and full budget. I'm not bothered but you lied on your post ...10 days of glitching objects my a**
first your should check it it hasn't even got 40 colleum walls not 265 or somehting. second i didnt say 10 days i said 10 hours -__- yes 10 days is to much. third i dont have full budget i have only 2700. fourth check the this link for the glitch on youtube: halo reach glitched map, doubled objects - YouTube explenation: whenever your non host and you grab an object that is really laggy, the object will stay on it original position and youll grab it . when you place it the object that stayed will delete itself, but if another non host grabs the other object you have 2 until someone placed it. so whenever you have 2 of them just save the map, end the game and restart it. you should have the same object 2 times now!! at no extra cost. PROOF: the max limit of the block 5x5 flat is 100, just like the other blocks. IF it was actually modded like u said it would have been 250.
Well your post is still up so it may be legit .. This is definitly the map I have request 19 as it its made the same time exactly and same file creator.... Although your reply is convincing it is still the same file.... Maybe the original you edited was edited before you used it.
euuuh ye that could be true, cause when i made this map another person already made a map on this and i just deleted everything and started making my own stuff, for some reason it works better for me than just start an empty canvas. btw can i see that request 19 somehow cause its kinda a weird name for a map, what is it slayer, infection? a
Some guy threw about 50 different mods together, request 1 to 32 I have.... They are virtually the same, 256 blocks or walls or decorative, rocks lights vehicles etc and they all come with full budget or a large budget depending on what items are on it , I've messed around and forged a few things. But not finished as they aren't allowed to be published. I can show you the files if u send us fr or game invite some time. On subject I do like the entrance doors and how you can pass through them with teleporter. Some nice aesthetics
"Glitched" canvases aren't allowed on ForgeHub. Until there is actual proof that this is in fact a glitch, it is going to be considered modded. LOCKED until myself, or another mod gets a good look at the map. EDIT: This canvas is modded in literally every way possible. Thread will stay locked.