Map Title: Hell's Highway Download Hell's Highway Download Seven Minutes Works best with at least ten people. Inside of a top secret Solanum reasearch facility, something has gone terribly wrong; a chemical leak has altered the makeup of the Solanum virus responsible for turning people into zombies. The new zombies it's created are stonger, faster, and more intelligent - and they've escaped. Out of the survivors of the initial outbreak, most have fled down the tunnel linking the compound to the outside world, and they've barricaded it off. You and a small group of scientists are left trapped inside, and you've managed to delay the zombies long enough to gather some weapons and call for evac. A helicopter has enough fuel to remain on station for seven minutes, and you must make it there in time. For the first few minutes, your team must defend the atrium, a large chamber with two entrances (not counting the barricaded tunnel). Eventually, a grav-lift comes online to take you up to a section of piping where you can gain access to the main tunnel; unfortunatley, so can the zombies. You must then force your way through barricades to escape to the waiting chopper. But the military has taken notice, and had begun to attempt to destroy the base. The walls shake, lean, and threaten to topple as the ground rumbles and stairways collapse and sway. Make it out, and defend the chopper until liftoff. By the way, I apologize for the small images. The Atrium - your first defensive line. Note the barricaded tunnel and the gravity lift that will spawn after three minutes. A section of piping you must crawl through. Hell's Highway, littered with destroyed vehicles and hastily constructed barricades. The crumbling compound, succuming to military bombardement. The helicopter.
I dont know if it just me, but i think pics are broken. EDIT:Oops sry didnt read the top i was just skimming through it.
looks really good. i really like the intentional messy look to it, it adds an aesthetic-ish feature, nice job.
lloks good. interlocking seems to be used well. btw this should be moved to casual games if i'm correct. other than that good job
Well as I've said, the back half of the map is supposed to look like it's about to fall apart and have little things that you get hung up on. As for the pictures, I intentionally tried to give the map a kind of mysterious feel. I always love seeing a bunch of awesome pictures of somewhere and then not realizing until I go there what the actual layout is. It almost makes it seem bigger. Ah, indeed it should. I was a bit unclear on the difference between competitive and casual. That's called being inspired. A blatant rip off would be using Tunnel Rats and deleting everything but the helicopter. Actually, the map was originally based around the idea of using a helicopter as a means of "escape" from a zmobie filled area.
The external sloppiness doesn't matter. That tunnel is frickin awesome, it reminds me of the scene from 28 days later.
If its a highway does that mean its a vehicle based map or your running on foot? I'm gonna download anyway.