Lighthouse Hello, Forgehub. Lighthouse has been a passion project of mine for several months now, and I'm happy to release it to the Forge community at large. It is the culmination of my initial vision to build a forge map on Forgeworld's "Pillar" setting, where I anticipated a fun design challenge in forming a map to its space. A light house on top of this pillar inspired me, and after several failed attempts, this model came into being. Lighthouse is a highly unusual map. It has three levels-The Red Floor, The Blue Floor, and the Green Floor. Each level has a very different style of playing; Red is highly vertical, Blue is multi-level with a lot of cover, and Green is wide open with a little cover. Though I do envision it being playable on a FFA Slayer, Team Slayer, Objective, or Invasion game, its emphasis on verticality and its small area may turn off BTB players. But for players that love smaller maps, maps where CQC and assassinations are more commonplace, maps where camping is very difficult, I hope this is the map for you. It's small without being too small, and the variety of ramps, gravity lifts and other shortcuts enable non-jetpackers to traverse its grounds as efficiently as their flying partners. And yes, there's a lot of killzones; I hate campers/hiders. There's little opportunity for this here. I've playtested an early version of this map with my friends from Reach Daily Challenges, and although it was a frantic match (it had 16 players total-waaay too many for its design) we still had a lot of fun and there was plenty of space to engage players. The weapon here have undergone several changes; there might be one too many power weapons on it still, but having more players test this final version will facilitate whatever changes the map needs. Oh yes, one more thing. I love the "Infection" playlist, and although my records don't indicate I'm any good at it at all, I feel there's a need to design levels that prevent the obvious advantages the human players have from spoiling the fun of the game. That's where Lighthouse undergoes some physical changes to prevent such things from taking place, and allows for even more shortcuts for Zombies to get at escaping human players. I believe in this map's design and the fun that it could bring to Slayer and Objective matches. There aren't many tall maps at all, and none that allow this type of gameplay. I've submitted this map to two other Forge Communities, but after finding Forgehub, I feel that this may be the best community to contribute to. Thanks for reading this lengthy post, and I look forward to all of you playtesting and criticism. if you'd like to playtest with me, feel free to send me a message. Thank you. -SANTAANAS
You have a very interesting design to your map. This would be a very unique experience for an oddball game. I can't wait to try it out! Nice job!
Thanks Matt! I placed the Oddball mid map to allow players the flexibility of bringing the ball up or down the map. When I playtested it myself it was pretty fun; would love to get a full on match going on.
SkyMan EvoLV3d add me would love to get some serious playtime on the map! Critique and Carnage. Also love the fact your up to the challenge of making the most of forge world's unique landscape that pillar is tough! hope to play soon Santaanas
Anytime, SkyMan. Even better if we could get a few more people involved, then we could get a 2V2 or a 4V4. Just let me know.