so i was flying around forgeworld the other night looking for a good spot to start my new project, when i stumbled upon a shoddily placed rock half covering what seems to be a tunnel of some sort. the opening left uncovered by the rock barrier is just barely too small for the monitor to pass through. it seems rather peculiar that bungie would leave any opening at all, especially when you consider that the rock they used to half cover the hole could easily plug it up entirely. and we all know bungies reputation for cryptic secrets and easter eggs. the thought of this possibly leading to an unused area of forgeworld has me completely obsessed with finding a way past the rock barrier and into the unknown. i'm currently camped out nearby, desperately trying to find a way in. has anyone else discovered this? surely i cant be the first.
I doubt there's much in there, but if there's space on the other side you can probably get to it by pushing through a teleport receiver node and then spawning a sender on the outside.
zup nutduster, solid suggestion. i did try that a few times with no luck yet, seems the opening beyond the barrier is too small to stand or even duck as a spartan and it won't seem to let me fly through as a monitor either. i've also tryed using a turret to wedge myself inside, with slightly better results. yet i still get stuck on a few pixels of rock holding me back. im not quite ready to give up though, it could be possible that im not placing the teleporter quite right. nice, i had not thought of that. good suggestion, ill try it out.
hah, yeah i was waiting for someone to say that. i really didnt forge the tunnel though. just enclosed it to mask its location in case i find something amazing inside. if i had bungie pro i would render a video for you, but unfortunatley i don't. ok i tryed this and couldn't get it to work. it was damn good idea though man.
Do you at least know where the tunnel is located in Forge World? Also I lol'd at the camping site hahaha! Edit: One more thing. From the looks of the first picture, it looks like it is just some hole Bungie decided to put in just for looks. But I have not discovered the location of it, yet I'm also assuming it won't be that big of a deal trying to go into a small little hole.
At least tell us where it is. I'm guessing near the ocean, between Montana and Alaska? Also, it's probably just a hole, and nothing more.
Somebody try it in theater. I have my doubts about this being anything special though. We probably would have know about it by now.
Notice how the hole looks completely made of forge rocks and tin-cups, and how there is yet to be any indication where this actually is on Forge World.